Childish War

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OMG I'm so sorry I had to. This is a song on YouTube and I love it. Ill put a link to it but yea. Watch the video before you read this.

(Claire's POV)
I growled in pain as Zane put disinfectant on the small scratches on my arms.
"Sorry Claire, the disinfectant will sting for a while," he said, brushing the cloth more gently against my skin.
"Its fine," I said, looking to Erebus. Lately, Erebus has been very quiet and it was unsettling.
Hey Erebus, what's up? You've been very quiet as of late.
I could feel Erebus about to say something, but then pause, as if to think before he said anything.
"Claire? You hear me?" Asked Zane, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, sorry Zane. I was trying to talk to Erebus. He's been very very quiet lately and I was trying to talk to him."
"Oh, yea Acritudo has been quiet too. Its unsettling me." He stood and nodded, showing he was done with my arm.
"Thanks Zane. I didn't know you were good at medical stuff."
"Yea. When it was just me and my brothers, I did most if the healing since they were the fighters," he said sadly. I patted his shoulder. Then a thought came to my mind. It was a disturbing thought, but I had to ask.
"What were your brothers names?" He gave me a confused look.
"Why do you want to know?"
"I'm just asking." He nodded and sighed.
"Garroth and Vylad." I froze.
"D-did Garroth have blonde hair and blue eyes, while Vylad has brown hair and green eyes?" He nodded in confusion.
"How did you know?" I shrugged.
"They're names just made me image them like that," I lied. He nodded and I stood.
"Thanks for the heal. I'm going back to my room now. Later Zane."
"Later Claire," he called after me. I shut the door to the medical room and began my walk to my room. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Bricksha. I nodded to him and he motioned for me to come closer. I sighed mentality and walked over.
"What did you tell him about Garroth and Vylad?" His eyes sparkled dangerously.
"I just asked what they looked like," I said, my green eyes glued to his sky blue ones.
"Good good, little Claire," he said, that name striking a nerve.
"You better not tell him anything about his brothers. If he finds out, well.... Lets say he might take a little.... Fall." He smiled evilly.
"Whats your game Bricksha? What are you aiming at?" I spat out quietly.
"You'll find out soon enough. Good night, little Claire."
He walked off and I almost sprinted to my room, where I shut and locked the door.
I tried to get some sleep but I just tossed and turned, Zanes sad face in my mind. But finally, my brain got tired and I fell asleep.

I had training with Bricksha and Zanes brothers today. I felt sick as Sadie skipped happily next to me, right up to the two boys. Vylad nodded with his emotionless face and Garroth smiled, waved and gave Sadie a hug when she ran up.
"Morning you two. Bricksha isn't here today, so we'll be training without him," said Garroth when he was done with his bear hug. I nodded and we began to train.

(Literally a few minutes later)
I heard Vylad yell something at while they were sparing and Garroth got mad.
"You just so annoying Vylad. God so annoying. Acting high and mighty around me like you are the king," growled Garroth under his breath. Vyald smirked.
" Looking down upon you, seeing through all your moves. Chance is for the taking, your dancing to my own beat." He swung his Twin knives and missed Garroth by a hair. Then he swung again and stopped a few inches away from Garroth's neck.
"Well that got a little messy, and just missed you by a hair." He lowered his knifes and Garroth sighed.
"Oh well, it looks like I'm the winner. Beat you far and square." Sadie clapped for Vylad and gave Garroth a reassuring hug.
"Its ok Garroth. I'm sure you'll win next time," she said, trying to smooth over her voice.
"We'll see," he said, not taking his eyes off of Vylad. Vylad smirked triumphantly and put away his knives. Then in a flash, Garroth had his sword geld to Vylad's throat.
"From 1 to 100, I'll take whatever's there and thank you for your purchase. Beat you far and square," he said, while Vylad growled at him.

The two brother's fought most of the time, so me and Sadie practiced our forms. After practice, the boys huffed away from each other and Sadie went to go talk to Arthur. I made my way to my room, where I laid Erebus down and sat on the floor.
Erebus. I'm going to try again. Where are you? Whats wrong?
Silence. Complete silence.
"Claire, calm down. I'm here."
Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you for the past two days.
"Sorry about that. I was talking with all of Squad 13's weapons."
You can talk with the other weapons?
"Yes, it's a little difficult since we need to be close. But somehow we managed. Also, I got information from Chrysos, Arthur's weapon. About Zane's brothers." I stiffened.
Tell me.
"They did die on the front lines, but were brought back by Bricksha. For what purpose, Chrysos doesn't know."
Interesting. Bricksha must be planning something. But what?
"You're guess is as good as mine, but let's not think right now. You need your sleep." I nodded.
Well, night then Erebus.
"Good night Claire."

(Third person POV)
Bricksha watched as the brothers fought. It amused him that the brothers still fought like when they were alive. After Sadie and Claire left, he called them back over. Garroth looked only at Bricksha, and Vylad growled insults at Garroth under his breath.
"Now now boys, how did training go? Did the she improve?" He asked.
They both nodded.
"She getting better every day sir," replied Vylad.
"Good good. Thats good. Though I wonder when those two will figure out.... Why we put them together in the same group. Or when they find out about their pasts." Bricksha smiled and dismissed the two, walking away into the shadows.

YAAA CLIFF HANGER!! *smashes head on desk* And sorry for my absence. I jumped of a cliff...
Willow: Um.... Are you ok?
Silver: Perfectly fine. Why?
Willow: Um... Never mind...
Silver: Ok then.
Anyway, I have to say this now. People, thank you for reading my book. This one is going to be really long and yea.
Anyway, hoped you enjoined! Have a good morning, afternoon, or night!

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