End game

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(Claire's POV)
I woke up in a hospital bed, unsure what had happened when I blacked out. Then I saw all of Squad 13 and General Bricksha's group waiting. They all perked up a when they saw me awake and began to explain what happened when I blacked out.
"So Erebus.... Possessed me then gave me back my body?" They nodded.
Erebus? Why?
"Because Claire. I couldn't stand to see you in so much pain, especially when you don't see it." I smiled and remembered that conversation.
"So what now? The vampire threat is mostly gone, except for a few fortresses, and the remaining demons are in our weapons," said Zane, his brothers behind him nodded.
"Well," said Arthur.
"First we take down the remaining vampires. Then we rebuild humanity and take back our world." The group nodded.
"Well then, let's get started," shouted Lily, who grabbed Peter, gave him a Peck on the cheek, and pulled him from the room. We all laughed and the screen went black.

(Player's POV)
The credits rolled over the screen and it made me happy. The game, End Game, was a game about Claire, a vampire slayer who defeats the world threat of vampires. It made my heart do all sorts of things.
"That was a good game," I said to the empty room. Then I got up, turned off the console, and went to sleep.

Bet you weren't expecting that huh?
Willow: Wait..... So it was all a game?
Silver: Yep!
Willow: *begins to think about the meaning of life* So is life just a game? Are we all just players in this world?
Silver: ... *backs away slowly*
Well anyway, hoped you enjoined this book. Have a good morning, afternoon, or night.

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