chapter 1: a new beginning

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Ayames eyes seemed gloomy, she looked around the now empty house and sighed. She had to move again. A new house, a new town, new people. Again.  Everything kept changing and she always stayed the same.  Her eyes glanced over the piano that the movers where taking away. The only thing she ever still loved and cared for. Her piano. Her only true friend. She closed her eyes and thought back of that day, that one day she got to perform with her piano. Everyone had been silent as her voice had filled the room. The only moment in her life she had been happy. She opened her eyes again, walked out of the house, got into her car and drove to her hotel. Every time she had moved she had been put in one of those luxurious famous hotels where rich and famous people stayed. She wasn’t that rich but she guessed it had been her good connections to the famous Japanese artist ‘Miyavi’ that had put her there every time. They had grown up together before she got placed in a foster home. He had heard her name again a few months after his fame started and he found her again. They had been pretty close ever since. Well for as far as people could still get close to her. She had been quite cold to the world ever since she had lost her mother…the only person who understood her. Her dad had flipped and had killed her…

She looked up at the big shiny letters on the front of the hotel only to get  interrupted in her peaceful screening the environment  by her old friend Miyavi running up to her while screaming like a retard ‘’ AYAME! You’re FINALLY here!’’ He pulled his old friend in a tight hug while laughing while Ayame just chuckled a bit and hugged back. ‘’yeah yeah Miv (her nickname for him) I’m here, I’m here now why don’t you show me which stink hole I have to sleep In now hm?’’ she chuckled more, she had never liked sleeping in other beds besides her own. Miyavi just poked her nose and giggled ‘’yes Ayame, I will now show you to your luxurious hotel room!’’ He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the hotel then opened a door then shoved her in while yelling ‘’THERE YA GO GIRL!’’ he then threw the door to close it and ran off probably to hang with a few of his ‘famous friends’.

She started unpacking her bags while sighing. She hated these things. New people, new stuff. She had to be polite to everyone again seeming their status in society, getting anyone in a hotel like this on your bad side without having more than one person to back you up could mean the end of your life. Not literally, just your life would be ruined. Then she wouldn’t be able to be the invisible girl again. She would get laughed at by every single person on this planet. She shook her head while some memories of her past tried to make way to her mind. She finished unpacking then looked around the large room. Her eyes widened as she saw that Miyavi had made sure her own piano would be in her room. He knew how much the instrument meant to her. He had the same with his favorite guitar. She walked over to the piano and her fingers trailed over the notes. She sat down and started playing then started singing as well.

Who had chosen him to be the outcast,

who had chosen her to be always alone .

Who had chosen that kid to be the sinner?

Who had chosen that father to lose what he had?

Why? Why must the world and its god,

why? Why must they always get to the strongest.

Why? Why must the rain fall on top of the beautiful picnic?

Why? Why can’t we just be fine.

She got interrupted by a guy standing in her doorway clapping at her little private performance….

I answered with 'I Love You' (Aoi - The Gazette)Where stories live. Discover now