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I awoke to my family surrounding the TV screen. I had seen this scene before. My mother motioned me over.
"He made another kill!" She pointed to the television.
"Teenage, Fredrick Runter was murdered late last night. He attended a party at the Contley's farm and never came home. His parents became suspicious and called the police. They began their search only to find that 18 year old Freddy, was beheaded. He was cut by an axe. What a terrible thing. That's all the news we have on this now. Police are looking for a suspect. Back to you Ronda," said the news caster. I watched it and I didn't care. It was me, I was your killer.
"How could they! They beheaded him..." My mother stood with her jaw dropped.
"You know what, I'm scared for my child to grow up in this world," said my teenage mother sister. My family raged about the horrible murders. I leaned on the wall and listened.
"Honey," my mother gripped my arm. "Everything okay?" She questioned.
"Yeah?" I was defensive. I went into the kitchen for cereal. My mother followed me along with my father.
"What should we do for your graduation? I was thinking a small party." My mother suggested.
"I'm okay," I sat down to eat. They stood across from me.
"Honey, you could celebrate! And you could get money for college." She smiled.
"I'm not going to college." I stated.
"Okay, see honey, you can be a farmer." My father perked.
"I was thinking construction." I ate.
"Construction?" The both gasped.
"Yeah?" I was confused.
"Well it's just there isn't any construction projects around the town." My mother was now in a slight panic.
"I know that?"
"Okay, well I didn't know you were thinking about leaving." She worried.
"I'm not, I'll drive out of town for work." I stated.
"Okay, goodness you had me scared." She put her hand on her chest. Since I was graduated I wasn't sure what to even do with my life. The summer now felt like nuisance. I called Laney and shortly after picked her up. She got into my truck and I saw her father peak behind the curtains in her living room.
"How are you?" I asked.
"Okay, did you see the news? The boy that raped me...he was murdered." She was shocked.
"Oh yeah, bummer." I backed out of the driveway and headed out.
"You're so calm about everything, that's the opposite with me. It's probably why we work well together. I mean we've only been together for a little over a month now but it's been great." She smiled.
"I agree. I'm going to go look at this house." I drove to a small house about ten minutes outside town. It would take about 20 minutes to get there from my house. We got there and it was on a dirt road surrounded by weeds and dead grass. The house was old and spray painted on.
"You want this?" She gave me a look of disgust.
"It's not as bad as it looks. I'll fix it up and paint it. My jobs will be closer to this house anyway." I explained. We went into the house and it was vandalized pretty badly. I didn't mind. It was affordable and I could get from job to job quickly. I decided to go through with my purchase. My mother wasn't very happy, but she had no choice. I was becoming more and more distant from my family. My mother drove me crazy. As summer passed on I worked on my house, and found a job in construction. By September the murder case was less and less talked about, and my house was all fixed up. Laney and I grew closer and she often helped me on my house. Her father didn't appreciate us being together, but it wasn't his choice. His opinion of our relationship put a wedge between Laney and he. She stayed over my house often times. It was a late night in fall, the leaves were changing colors and falling, and it was dark out. I kept a few windows open and the curtains made a soft rubbing sound as the cool wind blew them. Laney and I laid on the couch in the living room watching a movie. It was a black and white film about a big family and their father going off to war. Laney was bored, and she began to kiss me. We made out for a few minutes and then she got on top of me. It got hotter and we soon got to having sex. We fell asleep shortly after. In the morning I left for work before Laney was even up. When I got home she had made dinner and was waiting for me. I could see her becoming more attached to me. Was it bad that I wanted it to be Jackie? I didn't love Laney. I didn't feel anything, but of course it was normal. After dinner we went up to the bedroom to have sex again. When we were done I took a shower and Laney watched the tv in bed. I stayed in the shower for a while and closed my eyes as the warm water ran from my face to my toes. When I got out I took a towel and wrapped it around my waste and took another to dry my hair. I came out rubbing a towel over my hair. I went to my dresser to find some comfortable shorts to put on. I slipped boxers on and then some black cotton shorts over them. I got into bed next to Laney watching some cheesy drama. I reached for my phone to see if any notifications came up, but I had none.
"So, Elizabeth from my calculus class at Wesley University was wondering if I could have a study sleepover. I mean it would be like five girls. I would say to do it at my fathers, but I haven't been at his house in a long time. My stuff is pretty much here. I don't know if you consider me officially moved in or?"she shrugged.
"I'd say you're moved in."
"So that means my study group will have to come here for the sleepover?" She questioned.
"I guess that's so." She was ecstatic to hear me say she was moved in, but she remained calm on the outside. When she was excited her eyes would become huge. The following Friday would be the study sleepover. When I came home from work Laney was setting up a sleeping bag in the living room for her to sleep on. She was also baking cookies and had her backpack on the couch. The week before she brought the rest of her belongings and put them away. She had cleaned the house up and rented some movies. She was excited for her friends to come over. She lit a candle that smelled like fresh linen and mopped the floors. I heard a car door slam and looked out the window to see two girls walking up to the door.
"Oh, they're here!" She jumped, removing the wet cloth she was cleaning with off the table. She ran to the door and opened it up.
"Hey!" The girls yelled.
"Hey Beth! Hey Joy!" Laney smiled. I leaned on the cupboards in the kitchen and ate a cookie. "You can just set your stuff in the living room." She pointed. She then walked over to me.
"Can you...go upstairs?" She whispered.
"Okay," I rolled my eyes. I walked up to the bedroom and turned on the television. There was nothing on. I tried to find something to read on my phone, but there was nothing. After two hours of watching nonsense I became hungry. I walked down the stairs that was in between the living room and kitchen. I saw 7 girls giggling and eating junk food in the living room. As I walked down they all looked to me. I went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Laney came in.
"Whatcha doing?" She asked.
"Laney...I need food." I said in an aggravated tone.
"Okay, okay...I was just curious. What are you gunna do all night?" She questioned.
"Be bored." I sassed.
"Sorry," she apologized.
"I'm joking, I'll find something to watch. I won't interrupt anymore." I said walking upstairs with a sandwich and soda. After eating and finding nothing to watch I got curious of what the girls were laughing and talking about. I went over to the vent and put my ear up to it.
"Richard Quelt is so hot!"
"I know, and Owen Oaks!" They all giggled.
"So, Laney, your man is smokin too!" They all agreed.
"Yeah I'm pretty lucky!" She responded.
"Got that right! You guys doing good?"A girl asked.
"Yeah," she responded.
"I can only imagine how great this must be."
"It's really good, like really good." Said Laney.
"Ooo, I bet. You've got it good. I mean you get to live in a cute little house with a nice hot man. You're lucky."
"I really am. He's a great man. He's really loving and protective. I love him." They all chatted about professors and men in their classes. Around 11 pm I went to bed. In the morning I woke up smelling pancakes and bacon. I took a shower, put on fresh clothes and made my way down stairs. The girls sat at the table eating. I made myself a coffee.
  "Good morning!" Laney kissed my cheek. I smiled. I was never very talkative in the mornings. I had to get to work soon. I grabbed some pancakes and stood by the counter eating. Just then a knock was at the door. I opened it to see Arnold standing there.
  "Arnold?" I stood confused.
  "Hey brother." He stepped inside.
  "Everything okay?" I asked.
  "Oh, I didn't realize you had company." He stared at the girls.
  "Yeah it's fine, relax. I just thought to stop by. I moved out right after you. My farmer has some small houses he lets his workers stay in." He informed. He followed me to the kitchen as I put my dishes away. 
  "Do you want coffee or anything?" I offered.
  "No thank you," The girls stared at Arnold, and then moved to the living room.
  "Why are there so many girls here right now?"
  "Laney had a study sleepover. I really don't think they even study to be honest."
  "I was staying at Marvin's for a while, and then I decided to finally get my own place. It was weird getting the rest of my things from home. Mom was bugging me. She asked me if I had spoken to you. You're not talking to her?"
  "No, she just nags me. I decline all her calls. I'm surprised she hasn't showed up to my house yet." I chuckled.
  "Yeah, she's insane. She was talking about some murders that happened a while back. She told me to be careful out there. I mean I already knew about the murders, you know how mom obsesses."
  "Yeah, she really does. Besides, there hasn't been a murder in a while."
  "Yeah, that's true. I just feel uneasy that there's one out there." He admitted.
  "You'll be fine, I can assure you of that." I stated.
  "I should head back to work. I'll try and stop by more." He headed out. "Bye ladies!" He winked and shut the door. I left soon after him. Little did I know, I would come home that night to a mess.

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