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  We sat across from one another.
  "You don't seem sad." He noticed. Gunner was always good with noticing things.
  "I'm doing okay." I stated. I was fine. We made small talk for a little while. He asked how my life was and I proceeded by answering his questions and repeating them back to him like I cared.
  "You can't be serious, you must be sad. It's okay to be sad." He said. He was driving me crazy.
  "I'm not. I killed him, it's my fault," I was being honest.
  "You can't blame yourself."
  "I'm not blaming, it's actually my fault."
  "How can that be?" He asked.
  "It's confidential. Gunner I've trusted you with a lot, this is just to much."
  "Whatever it is, you can trust me. Cross my heart." He swore. I took a deep breath.
  "You know the murders a couple weeks back. Those five girls?" He nodded in confusion.
  "You see, those girls were lets just say not so nice. They were immature and jealous. They started spreading rumors about Laney. I wanted to get them back, but I knew I couldn't do it alone. I told Arnold we would go and scare them. I knew the whole time it would be more than that, but if I told Arnold he wouldn't have come. I killed one of the girls and after I told Arnold we have to kill the rest. He wasn't very comfortable with it, but soon agreed. He killed two, and I killed two more. This made him feel shame and guilt. It hurt him. I wasn't very upset. In fact, I wasn't bothered. Arnold wanted to confess but I made sure he wouldn't. He stayed over and I told him to speak to no one. A few days after his insomnia and guilt eating him alive he ended his life. I can't participate in his viewing, or his funeral. It's my fault he's dead." I explained. Gunner sat frozen. I could see his skin turning pale.
  "Is this a joke?"
  "Do I look like I'm kidding?" I questioned.
  "Okay, okay, okay." He whispered to himself rocking back and forth. "Lenny, you have committed murder. You need to do something about it." He encouraged.
  "No," I shook my head. "If I feel no remorse then there is no point. I can live with myself." I was telling the truth. He threw up all over the floor.
  "Gunner!" I yelled. He was obviously sick. I didn't know why I told him. Maybe it was to scare him off, or maybe it was because I had no one left and it was all I could do. I cleaned up the mess. Gunner paced back and forth.
  "I should really go." He shook in fear. I walked him to the door.
  "Gunner, you can't tell a soul. You know I'm dangerous." I warned him. He left the house and drove off fast. I wasn't sure what he was going to do. Gunner had never spilled anything I had told him. If he went to the police, I guess I'd be pretty pissed off. After a few hours passed I knew I was safe. Or so I thought. The police barged into my house around 1 am when I was sound asleep. They came up and showed me a warrant. Another cop watched me. I knew I couldn't trust Gunner deep down. I was foolish. They found my murder weapons and tested the DNA. When it matched the girls I was arrested. I had known this day would eventually come. I knew it's what I deserved even though I couldn't really feel that way. They took me to the county jail. They got me a lawyer, and then immediately went into questioning. I sat in this dim lite room. A women came in and sat across from me.
  "Hello, Lenny." She addressed me. I nodded.
  "Now, can you explain why we found a machete in your house matching the DNA of the five girls recently murdered?" She showed me a picture of the crime scene from that night.
  "There's no out on this. I killed them, along with my brother Arnold. Don't bother looking for Arnold, he killed himself." I told her.
  "These cuts match another few unsolved murder cases to the small town over." She stated showing me more crime scenes.
  "Yes, I can admit to those as well."
  "Do you understand you're confessing to multiple counts of murder?" She asked.
  "I do. I got away with them all for a while. Also your boy who was beheaded a long while back, I can confess to that one to." She knew I was sick. She told the guards to take me away. I was monitored all day and night. The following morning the police would contact my family. They told them that my sentencing would be that afternoon at 12. They didn't specify what it was for. My mother must've been going ballistic. I walked into the court room shackled up in an orange jumpsuit.
  "All rise!" Said the judge. She went through her speech and we all sat. My lawyer was called up to the stand with a few more people. Then she came back to sit.
  "The court has made a decision." Said the judge. Everyone rose. 
  "On behalf of Lenny Calfman and the multiple counts of murder charges against him, he will be sentenced to death by lethal injection." She slammed her mallet. "This court is adjourned." Everyone piled out. The guards sat me in a room. The women I spoke with came in with my parents. My mother was in tears, and my father as well. I hadn't seen my dad cry in a long time. They stood across from me.
"Lenny, you can't. You couldn't have!" My mother sobbed. I nodded.
"How could you son? You were the killer all along." Said my father.
"Burn in hell!" My mother shouted leaving with my father. Her wish would most likely be granted. I would sit in prison for three years before my death. I was confined to maximum security and monitored at all times. On April 26th, 2013 I would die. When the day came I woke up like normal, and ate a crappy breakfast. I acted like nothing was to happen. I entered a room with a table and wires everywhere. People had come to watch me die. I didn't recognize any, except one. Laney. She stood in the back. I hadn't had any contact with her in years. She was there to watch me die. I laid on the bed, got a wire plugged into my vain and slowly but surly I would soon passed on.

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