Chapter 1: Prologue

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Author's POV

"Waahh!" Yelled by a 4 yrs. old little Tsuna while crying due to the bullying of his 'friends'..

"Hey! Stop it! Bullying is bad!! Get away from him!" Yelled by a 4 yrs old little girl with sky blue eyes and a twin tailed amber colored hair..

"Run!!!" Cries were heared from the bullies..

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?" She asked worriedly and checked him out if he had bruises in his body..

"I-I'm...f-fine... U-um.. Why did you.. h-help me?.. Sh-shouldn't it be better i-if you stay a-away?.." he said stuttering while sobbing and trying to regain his composure..

"Well.. I just couldn't stand there you know.. I don't like someone who's bullying the weak just for no reason.. By the way, I'm Sora! You are?" She asked while lending a hand for a handshake.

"I-I'm.. Tsunayoshi!" He said while smiling."Nice to meet you, Tsu-chan! You're my very first friend here!" She said while smiling.

That faithful day, two kids became friends under a beautiful sunset and played together..


"Tsu-kun, good morning!" Nana, Tsuna's mom, or everyone called her Maman, greeted the newly awaken brunet..

"Morning, oka-san!" He greeted with a smile.

(For everyone who doesn't know the meaning of the word oka-san, it means 'Mom' in English)

"How's your sleep?" She asked while putting the fresh cooked eggs and bacon at the plate then at the dining table.

"Great! Oh yeah, oka-san, I have a new friend! Her name's Sora! She said we will play at the riverbank this afternoon!" Tsuna said with glee plastered in his face.

"That's good! Now be careful, okay? The riverbank's a dangerous place to play. How about you both play in the playground or in much safer place?" Maman said while putting some rice in Tsuna's bowl.

"We will! Itadakimasu!" Tsuna exclaimed before eating his food. Maman watch her little cute son eating the food she made with a smile plastered on her lips..

Hours flew by, Tsuna's going outside to meet his new friend.

"Bye, oka-san! See you later!" Tsuna waved at his mother while running happily.

"Bye! Be careful!" Maman waved back seeing the back of his son..

*at the riverbank*

A girl with an amber colored hair in twin tails is writing something on the ground while patiently waiting for someone.. Suddenly, a voice called out her name and as she turn around, she saw the brunet running while waving at her..

"Tsu-chan!" She exclaimed and run into him.

"Ah-" The brunet suddenly tumbled down and trying to get up.

"Are you ok?!" She asked worriedly.

"I-I'm..fine.. I'm used to this.. I am a c-clumsy after all.. Hehehe~" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Be careful next time, ok?" Tsuna nodded as a response and they play and play to their hearts content..

Years had passed and their bond of friendship grew stronger.. Sora always go to Tsuna's house to play after school and sometimes at Sora's mansion. She always protect him from the bullies and they even eat strawberry cakes made by Maman as their snack..

When they turn 7 yrs.old, they are in their first grade in elementary life and they become classmates. Tsuna was started to be called dame-Tsuna. They also eat together during recess and share each others snacks.. They were unseperated until one day, an urgent meeting from Sora's parents came into their lives and they have to move and live in there.. This become a bad news for the both of them.. And that day has arrived.. Tsuna is saying his goodbye.

"I-is it..true, So-chan?" Tsuna said while preventing his tears to fall down from his eyes.

"Yeah.." she said while hearing the sadness in her tone.

"Why so sudden?" He asked.

"It's urgent.. They said we will be leaving and live in there." She answered to his question.

"But-you can stay here!" He said eagerly.

"No, I can't. Mom said that I will be coming too so that they can keep an eye on me so that I'll be safe." Sora said also tearing up.

"I will miss you.." he said to the ambered hair girl.

"Me too.. But, we will meet again soon, right? How about we make a promise? How does it sound?" She asked the brunet.

"What promise?"

"I promise, by my pinky swear, we will meet again.. Someday, and may fate be our guide.." she said while holding out her pinky.

"Do you promise too, Tsu-chan?" She asked

"I promise.." Tsuna said while wiping his tear away and take her pinky, intertwined them, and made a promise..

"Tsu-chan, even if we're far away, we will still be under the same sky.." she said before riding inside the car.

"Don't cry, Tsu-chan! Hey, cheer up! Come on! Smile for me!" She said while wiping the tears away from his eyes while she also is tearing up and forcing a smile.

"Be strong for me, ok? Can you promise me that?" She asked while lifting his face up so she can make an eye-to-eye contact with him.

He just nodded to answer. Sora ride the car and started to cry because she can't leave him. She stare at the window and find Tsuna running after the car. She opened the window and looked outside.

"So-chan!!!!" He screamed out her name.

She was surprised at his sudden actions.. She was speechless..

"I... I promise!! I will become stronger.. just for you!! So that.. I can protect you, my friends and family!!!" He shouted while panting due to running out of air.

Sora was touched and just smile, a special smile, just for him.. She saw him becoming little by little until he was out of her sight.. That is the promise they made under a beautiful orange sunset..

*after 8 years*

A girl with a sunglasses and a baggage was walking on the airport's floor.. When she was outside, she look up the sky and smiled.

"I'm back.."


So, did you like the story? I hope you did. If any wrong spellings in my story or any typos, please comment and vote for this story! Bye for now, kiddos!

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