Chapter 6: Could it be...

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Sora's POV

I was out of my thoughts when I  heared the timer ring. That means the cookies are now finished!

I take the cookies out of the oven and put them in a plate. I smell the cookies and it smells good. I take one and take a bite.

"Mmm~ Oishi!!! Still the same flavor but I never get tired of its flavor!" I said as I squeeled of happiness.

"I hope they'll like it tomorrow! I can't wait! Oh! I should start packing these.." I said as I started dividing the cookies.

"This is for Tsuna, this is for Gokudera-kun, this is for Yamamoto-kun, this is for Enma-kun, this is for Kyoko, this is for Hana, oh! There's still left for me! I guess I made so many cookies! Guess I'll just put them into the jar for my snacks then!" I jump with glee and get the glass jar.

I put the cookies into the jar and start cleaning the kitchen. After cleaning the kitchen, I tied the pack of cookies with ribbons and place them at the table so that I will never forget them.

Then, I went to my room and I noticed that it's 10:30 pm..

"Gosh.. I guess I can now sleep.." I said as I grab the photo of Mom and Dad near my chest.

I turned off the lights and went to sleep.

"Night, Mom, Dad.." I let a tear drop from my eyes..

*TIMESKIP brought to you by Leon~*


I woke up from my deep slumber and shut the alarm off.

"Geez.. It's annoying.. What time is it anyway?" I look at the clock and notice that it's 6:00 in the morning.

"Guess I have to get myself ready then.." I yawned as I stretch my body like a cat and headed towards the bathroom.

I wash my face and take my clothes off. I turn the heater on so that the water won't be so cold. As the temperature of water was reached my favored temperature, I went inside the tub and relax for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, I went out of the tub and take a shower. Then, I grabbed the towel and wrapped my body with it.

I went out of the bathroom and went to my closet and get my uniform. After I wear my uniform, I tied my hair into a half-bun and half-ponytail, put on my lenses and my fake glasses to complete my usual disguise.

I went down stairs and prepare my breakfast. I just preheated my dinner last night and grab a box of fresh milk out of the refrigerator. When the microwave gives a signal that the stew was preheated, I remove it and place it at the table.

"Itadakimasu!" I exclaimed becore I eat my breakfast. I finished eating my meal by drinking a glass of fresh milk.

After I eat, I wash the dishes cause I still have time. After that, I brushed my teeth and off to school.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I grab the cookies from the table and put them in a bag.

"Hope they like it.." I rushed towards the school.

*TIMESKIP brought to you by Hibird~*

I was walking down the hallway handling some paperworks Nezu-sensei collected. I was going to deliver it to the teacher's faculty room when I saw Hibari-san patrolling the campus.

"Where are you going, herbivore?" He said coldly.

"Just going to deliver the paperworks to the faculty, that's all.." I said without fear.

"Hn.. Just do it fast. I don't want to see people walking the hallways during class hours." He said to me while making his way.

"Yes, sir." I sweatdropped.

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