Chapter 12: Estrella Family

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Sora's POV


"Sora!" Mom called me and I was running towards her.

"Mom! Welcome home!" I greeted them with a smile on my face and hug them.

"Sora, this is your Uncle Romeo. Say hi to him." Mom introduced Uncle Romeo.

"Hello, Uncle Romeo! My name's Sora!" I greeted him with a smile.

"Well, hello there, young lady. You're all grown up! The last time I saw you, you're still a baby, and now, you're, I guess, 8 yrs old?" Uncle Romeo guessed my age.

"You're right, Uncle Romeo! You're amazing! Mom, Uncle Romeo guessed it right! He's amazing!" I look at Mom and she's smiling and laughing.

"Now, Sora, I want to introduce to you my son. He's your cousin. Leo, come in now." Uncle Romeo look at the door so I also look at the door and waited for someone to enter. Then, a teenage boy come in and smiled at me. He walk towards me and stopped when he's infront of me.

"Hello, I'm Leo Estrella. You can call me Leo." He introduced himself and ended with a bow.

"Leo, from now on, you should protect her with all cost. And take care of her. You can also play with her if you like." Uncle Romeo said as he look at him.

"Sora, he's your big brother now. Play nice with him, okay?" Mom said as she pat my head with a smile. I just nodded and smile at my new big brother.

"Now, be a good girl, okay? Don't make it hard for Leo to take care of you when we're away. Leo, look out for her, okay? She's kind of naughty sometimes but she's a good girl." Mom said as she started to pick up her bag and some luggage.

'Again.. They're going away. They just came home and now, they're leaving?'

I became sad at the thought but suddenly, Leo pat my shoulder and smiled. I was brightened up with his smile and forgot the sad thought.

"Don't worry, Aunt Seiko! Sora will be alright 'cause now I'm here to protect her. Besides, we'll have fun, right, Sora?" He look at my direction and smiled. I nodded and also smiled.

Mom felt relieved that time and a calm smile was plastered at her face.

Then, they entered the car and the engine started and soon, dorve away. It was me and Leo who was left at the door entrance.

"So, Sora, what shall we play today?" Leo suddenly asked me and I was wondering what shall we play. Then, a thought came to my mind.

"A playhouse!" I gleamed at the thought and Leo agreed to my request.

"I'm home!" Leo said as he entered my mini playhouse.

"Okairi, Leo-nii!" I said as I was pretending that I am cooking something.

"That's right. You're a Japanese,  right, Sora?" Leo-nii said.

"Yep! But, Leo-nii, you speak Japanese fluently. Amazing!"

"Well, I did study different languages in order for me to enroll in different schools in different countries."

"Wow, you're amazing, Leo-nii!"

"Thanks, Sora."

*end of dream*




"HAI?! Aa— Ouch!" I was awakened by the loud voice of my 'sister' and fell on the floor.

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