Chapter 8: The Mysterious Hero

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Tsuna's POV


"Ugh.. I don't want to wake up yet. Five more minutes." I groan and turn to the side.

I have a feeling that I should jump out of the bed cause there's something bad going to happen to me. I jump out of bed and look back and saw Reborn slam the bed with Leon hammer.

"Good. I guess I should do this more often to wake you up early. Now hurry up or else you'll get late!" Reborn said while having a glint in his eyes.

"Hiiee!! I'm going alright!" I rushed towards the bathroom and take a bath and wear my uniform. I run downstairs and went to the dining table to see everybody's there. I-pin's scolding Lambo due to stealing food from others. Lambo just ignor her that makes her more angry. Bianchi's feeding Reborn and Reborn's just sipping expresso. Fuuta's eating his breakfast and Kaa-san's keep cooking food. Ahh.. what a lively family we had.

"Ah! Ohayou, Tsuna-nii!" Fuuta greeted me.

"Ohayou, minna!" I greeted back.

"Hurry up, Tsu-kun! You're going to be late!" Kaa-san said to me.


"I'll get it!" I said and went to the gate.

Then, I saw a girl with amber hair waiting for me.

"Sora?!" I yelled

"Oh! Ohayou, Tsuna!" She greeted.

"What are you doing here?!" I was shocked that she stopped by at our house.

"Tsu-kun, who is it? Huh? May I know who is this, Tsu-kun?" Kaa-san asked.

"K-kaa-san.. This is.." I panicked if I should tell her or not.

"Maman! It's me! Sora!" She said it!

"Sora.. So-chan! Long time no see!! You've grown up!" Kaa-san accomplimented Sora.

They talk for awhile while waiting for me to finished. After I ate, I drag her out of the house.

"Still the same Maman." She giggled. 'Kawaii~ Wait- I already have Kyoko-chan! And Sora's just my friend..right?'

"Tsuna, is something wrong?" She asked while tilting her head.

"N-n-nothing! Really! Let's go! Before we get late and be bitten to death by Hibari-san!" I suggested. She just nodded and we rushed to school. Along the way, we saw Gokudera-kun and Yamamoto. We went to school together and thank goodness, we're not late in class.

Still, I have a feeling that something bad's going to happen today. I wonder what's it but I just shrugged it off and continue listening to Nezu-sensei.
"Sawada! Answer this equation right now!" Nezu-sensei said, more than shouted at me. I wonder, why is he mad at me when I do nothing wrong? I never hurt him even if I love to.

I just went to the board and grab the chalk. I can feel that Reborn's watching.

'So.. you want me to show-off, huh?..*laughs evilly* I'll give you a show..'

( are going to be like Reborn of being sadistic..)

I finished the equation Nezu-sensei gave me and if you can just see their faces.. All of them are speechless.. Pfft.. If only I can laugh now.. I can see Sora and others holding their laughs.

"C-correct." Nezu-sensei, the first to snapped out, regain his composure.

"You're cheating, aren't you!" One of my classmates or should I say bullies said.

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