Hood Love: Chapter 16

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Chapter 16|


Being mad at everyone isn't going to change the fact that I'm pregnant again. I laid down and had sex with him and its not just his fault. I apologized to Zay and were cool now. He and I are working on a date for our marriage. I'm happy.

Zharia is starting to crawl around. Her cute self. I love her so much. She's my life and I can't see my life without her.


Jason and I are like best friends. We walk down the halls together and the girls can't stand that shit. The girls love Jason but Jason loves me.

After school we always meet up at the computer lab and then we walk back to his house. We just chill, watch television, and do homework.

Today, as I was waiting for him, Khilah approached me. She's Jason's ex girlfriend. I really don't know what he saw in her. Face wise she was ugly ass hell but her clothes was always on point.

"Hey, Kadence." Khilah said taking a seat next to me.

"Hey, Khilah." I said emotionless.

"So, uh, how's it feel to be with someone's leftovers?" Khilah said looking me up and down.

Why is this bitch all in my fucking business? She needs to get the fuck on.

"Khilah, please get out my face with that shit. Jason is done with you so just move on."

"Yeah, yeah. I ain't gone fight with you over a nigga but I'm just letting you know that ya man is a cheater."

"He isn't my man. We're just simply best friends and even if we were more, trust me, he wouldn't cheat, baby."

"Whatever." She said and started typing on the computer, mumbling stuff under her breath.

I just sighed and waited for Jason. Ten minutes later he ran in the computer lab. I sighed, picked up my book bag, and started walking towards Jason.

I turned around to look at Khilah. She was looking at me with most hate in her eyes. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now.

"Hey, Kaddie." Jason said when we left the computer lab.

"Uh, hey Jay Jay." I said.

"What's wrong?"

"You need to control yo hoe! That bitch Khilah getting out of hand."

"Man, I been told her to move on. You know the hoes love me."

I laughed and playfully pushed him. "You stupid."

"I'm just honest! We going to my house?"

"Uh, nah. I got too much homework to be messin' with you tonight. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Oh, okay. See you later then." He said and walked the opposite way of where I was going.

I walked home quickly and went up to my room. I honestly didn't have that much homework to do but I just didn't want to be all up on Jason. I like him a lot and that's starting to scare me. I'm not supposed to like him, yet I do. I keep telling myself he's not my type but in all reality he's so attractive to me. Ugh, what's wrong with me?


I don't know what it is about Kala but every time I'm with her, I like her more and more. She got me feeling really wanting to be with her and it ain't never been like that with me and any other female.

"Oh my god! That is so cute! Look Kaden." Kala yelled pointing to a baby monkey.

We decided to go to the zoo since we ain't have shit else to do.

"Damn, calm yo ass down." I said jokingly.

"Whatever. That monkey is so cute, bae!"

"Tuh, okay. Bae, lets go'n back to your place."

"Why? I'm having fun."

"I wanna go sit down somewhere and chill."

"We chilling now, Kaden! If you thinkin' about getting some p*ssy, you can't stop those thought now. You ain't getting none of this boy."

I sighed and grabbed her waist. It's been a minute since I got some p*ssy and I need some. I ain't trying cheat on her but if she ain't about to give me some, I'll get some other type way.

"Why can't I get some from you? You my girl, Kala."

"I'm not ready for all that, Kaden! We just got together."

How long we need to be together? That shit ain't fair.

"Alright. Well I'm finna take you home."

"Is you serious?! So you mad about that petty ass shit!? Well take me home then, nigga!"

"Man just shut up. Come on, Kala."

She pushed me off of her and we walked back to the car. Maybe I was wrong but shit she was wrong too.


I met with Nala the other day. She said she had to tell me something about the baby. She got an abortion. If she thought that was gone help me get back with her, she was sadly mistaking. I turned her down again and took my ass to Kaden's house.

I knocked on the door and guess who came to the door? Kadence.

"Uh, is Kaden here?" I asked.

"Nah. He'll be back in about ten minutes. He's dropping off Kala at home."

"Aw. Can I sit in here til he come back?"

She sighed. "My mama and daddy ain't here so don't try shit, nigga!"

"I'm not ma. Calm down."

She opened the door and let me in. I took a seat on the couch and relaxed. I needed to be relaxed right about now.

"Uh, Your phone is ringing." Kadence said knocking me out of my thoughts.

I guess I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice my phone ringing.

"Oh." I said and grabbed my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, is this Brisko?"

"Who the fuck is this?"

"Miana. Your baby momma!"

"Miana? We fucked like three months ago so don't call me with that lying shit."

"Oh, I ain't lying. My baby was conceived three months ago. I'm three moths pregnant and your the daddy. I told yo ass this the other day through text messages!"

"Damn... That was you? I ain't got yo number saved and how you pregnant when I wrapped it up?"

"Well, the condom broke! I don't know how else this could've happened. Trust me I ain't happy either. Your a good for nothing mutherfucker."

"Bitch, I know you ain't talking. You been hoeing around so that baby ain't mines. You probably fucked somebody the same day we fucked."

"Whatever nigga. If you want a DNA test when this baby born, we could do that."

"Whatever man. Bye." I said and hung up.

I ain't trying to have no fucking baby! I'm still in high school. I'm a fucking senior.. Shit man.

"Uh, you cool?" Kadence asked.

"Nah, I'm not cool. Do I fucking look cool!"

"That's why I don't like your ass. I was being nice and you come with the fucking attitude. Fuck you and get out my fucking house, nigga."

"Damn, I'm sorry. I'm just pissed off Kadence."

"Well take your pissed off ass out my fucking house! You ain't finna disrespect me in my house, nigga."

"I said sorry, Kadence. Damn!"

"Buh, bye!"

I sighed and stood up. I looked at her and left the house. I didn't do shit wrong. I made a fucking mistake and I apologized.


Dinner with my own husband was very awkward. Kemo wasn't looking at me at all. Just eating his food.

"Kemo, I want things to work out between us. We've been through too much to let it go now."

He looked up from his plate and sighed. "I do too, Nova. A lot of shit is going on between us though. I think we need a break."

My heart dropped. I thought he felt the exact same way as me but I guess not. "A break? Damn you, Kemo! I'm taking the initiative to apologize and you turn me down! Maybe we do need a break!"

"No, it's not that I don't want to work us out but I just got a lot of shit going on."

"What type of shit! I'm your wife! I'm supposed to know all of your problems!"

All the people in the restaurant were now turned looking at us. I wasn't trying to make a scene but I was pissed off.

"Nova, just please let it go."

"What? Ar-are you gay? ARE YOU GAY?!"

He sighed, pulled a hundred dollar bill out of his wallet, and laid it on the table. He grabbed me and took me outside.

"I'm not gay, Nova. I just might have gotten someone pregnant."

"Wh- what? I knew it! I knew you were sleeping around with these little Chicago hoes!"

"Look, I only slept with one girl! It was a mistake and shit just happened."

"Fuck you! Guess what! I slept around too! With a fine ass white boy too."

He sighed. "Nova, man, shut the fuck up. You gone get yo self hurt in a minute."

"No! Fuck you, Kemo. We made it this far for nothing! You don't love me! You do to give two shits about me."

I stormed off and got in the car. I drove off, leaving Kemo at the restaurant. He just better call his baby momma and tell her to pick him up cause' I know I'm not about to.

Somehow, I ended up at James house. Maybe James could love me and care for me. Cause Kemo sure couldn't. Maybe, Kemo and I aren't compatible..


Authors Note:

I'm sorry it's been awhile! School is crazy..

Feedback? Sorry for any mistakes.

- Author

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