Hood Love 3: Chapter 18

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Chapter 18~


I want to work this thing out between Kemo and I. He might have a baby on the way but we vowed to stay together through better and worse and I'm not giving up on us that easily. Kemo didn't come home last night and I didn't even get angry.. I guess I kinda pissed him off leaving him without a ride.

I rose out of bed and stretched. I took a quick shower. I threw on a white shirt and blue jeans. I laid on my bed and pulled out my phone.

I called Kemo and he surprisingly answered.

"Hello?" I said.

"Yeah. What you need Nova?"

"We need to talk, Kemo. Where you want to meet?"

"I'll just come home. No need for you to get all dressed up."

"Oh." I said looking down at my fully clothed body. "Well I'll be waiting."

"Okay, see ya in a minute."

I nodded as if he could see me and hung up. I guess I shouldn't have gotten dressed. I took my clothes off and put on some shorts and a tank top.

I laid in my bed and watched television until I heard a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. Kemo stood there for a second and then walked in. We both sat on the seat and for a minute neither one of us said anything.

"So, whatsup, Nova?"

I sighed and crossed my legs. "Do- uh- you love me still? I need to know."

"Of course I love you. I will always love you."

"So why would impregnate some bitch? I thought you loved me..."

"I do, baby. I was wrong. I shouldn't have cheated but I was pissed with-- us! I thought you maybe didn't want me anymore so I went out and did the dumbest thing I could've ever done."

I nodded and then tears started coming. Kemo hugged me. "You really hurt me, Kemo! I love you more than words can describe and now some tramp is pregnant?!"

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry. I was wrong and if I could, I would take this shit all back. I should've made a better effort at trying to work us out."

There was a small pause before I spoke again."We can- uh- work this out. If you love me and of I love you, we can work this out. Your my husband and I'm your wife and we're are going to fix this mess."

He wiped my tears. "We are, baby. I love you so much, Nova. I really do."

I smiled. "I love you, Kemonte!"

"I really want us to work. I know God put us together for a reason and it's no just to give up, baby."

"Your right, babe. Promise me you'll never hurt me again."

"I will never hurt you ever again. I'll never hurt you baby."

We hugged for what seemed like forever and then Kemo pulled me into a kiss. It had so much emotion, passion, and lust in it. Kemo picked me up bridal style, still kissing me, and took me to our bedroom. Luckily, the kids were at school.

Kemo quickly helped me undress myself, and I helped him as well. He kissed all of my body and when he reached my "treasure box" he licked his lips. He pulled my panties down my legs and immediately got to work, licking all over my treasure.

I hadn't been pleasured like this in so long and lord knows I needed it.

"Ohhhh. Oh my goodnessss! Yes, baby!!!" I moaned loudly.

Then he stuck his tongue in me. Yes, he was fucking me with his tongue! I arched my back and dug my nails into the sheets.

"Ohhhh God! Kemonte- uh- yes baby! I'm bout' to cum, baby! Yesssss..."

Then I came. Kemo licked it up and smiled up at me. "You like that shit, baby?"

"Mhhm, yes, baby."

He smiled and pulled off his boxers showing his long private area. He wasted no time entering me. He thrusted in and out of me and felt so good. I hadn't been pleasure liked this in awhile.

"Ohhhhhhh. Mhhhhm. Yeahhh." I moaned wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What's my name?"

"Ohhhh. Kemonte. Ohhhh, yeah!"

The headboards was banging against the wall and then he went deeper. It felt sooooo good!

"Ohhh Gawddd! Yes, baby!"

"Yeahhh... It feel good don't it, baby!"

"Ohhhh, Yasssss baby! Mhhhm don't stop."

We kept going until I came. He pulled out of me.

"Turn around, baby."

I turned around, getting on all fours. He then entered me from the back. I was losing my mind!

"Yeah, baby! Who's p*ssy is this? Huh?"

I was feeling so much pleasure that it was hard to speak. The only thing I was able to get out was a loud moam.

"You heard me? Who's p*ssy is this?"

"Ahhhh- baby- Ahhhh. It's yourss. It's Kemonte's p*ssy! Yassss baby! Ohhhh my GOODNESS!"

I laid on the bed breathless. What can I say? Kemo took my breath away! This was by far the best makeup sex we've ever had.

Kemo laid beside me catching his breath.

"Babe, that was.. that was amazing! Best makeup sex we have ever had!"

"Yeah, it was. Bae, we ain't fighting no more, ok? I love you, ok? I'll never hurt you again."

"Ok, babe. I love you too. Gimme a kiss, boo." I said.

He reached over and kissed my lips passionately.

"Babe, so what we gone do about this- uh- this baby situation?"

He sighed. "I don't know. We're going to get a DNA test done and I guess meet with her sometime soon."

"Oh.. Well, I'll take a shower." I said a little bit upset.

I guess he noticed and he grabbed my arm pulling me back on the bed. "Please don't be angry with me."

"I'm not. Just let me take a shower. The kids will be home soon."

"Ok. Baby, I love you."

"I love you too. Now let me go. I need to take a shower."

He nodded and let me go. Although I was upset I had to let it go. What's done is done.


School was almost over and I was just pissed off because of my family situation. I was angry with my father and how he betrayed my mother. We would need to talk about this when I got home.

I hate World History class! Mr. Sullivan was pairing up groups now so we could present a country together.

"Ok. Khya and Vale. Africa and Erica. Kadence and Brad.."

I heard nothing else after that. Brad is Brisko! I really don't want to have to work on anything with him! He's so annoying.

"Now pair up!" Mr. Sullivan said.

I grabbed my books and walked over to Brisko's table.

"Uh, hey Kadence."

"Hey, Brisko. Lets just get this shit done. So what country from this paper are we doing?"

"France? I don't really care."

I wanted to slap him! "Yeah! Well, look, we're working together so what do you want to do?"

He sighed. "There you go with your little attitude! That shit is so fuckin' annoying man!"

The bell rung indicating class was over. I quickly grabbed my books and headed out of class. Brisko was right behind me.

"Wait, Kadence. When do you wanna meet for this project?"

"I guess tomorrow. See ya." I said leaving the classroom and entering the hallway.

I put my books in my locker and grabbed the things I needed and out them in my book bag. I was going to go in the computer lab and wait on Jason but I had too much homework. Hopefully he understood.

I left out of school and hurried home. I just hoped my mom was okay. I know she was hysterical last night. When I got home, I threw my book bag on the couch and ran upstairs to my parents room. I knocked on the door and my father opened the door. I brushed past him and went to sit on the bed next to my mom.

"Mommy, are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm actually pretty good, baby. Daddy and I made up."

"What?" I asked irritated. Just yesterday she was crying over him and now they were made up? It didn't make sense to me.

"Yeah. We made up, baby. We're all good together." My father said.

"I don't understand this! How are you guys all good and just yesterday you didn't come home." I said pointing at my dad. "And you were crying over him!"

My mom sighed. "Baby, in marriages couples fight and argue but if they love each other it'll work out in the end. You'll understand when your married."

"No. He has a baby on the way and your ok with that, ma?"

"There's nothing I can do about that. He's my husband and I have forgiven him."

I looked at my father and at my mother. They obviously were happy with each other.

"Ok. Well, I'm going to go do my homework." I said leaving the room.

"Where's your brother?" My mother asked.

"He's probably with Kala. I'm not sure."

They nodded and I left their room. I guess I can't be in a marriage. I couldn't deal with my husband telling me he had a baby on the way. Unlike my mother, I would have had to get a divorce.


Kala and I decided to walk to her house after school. She told me that we should work on homework but she should've already knew what I wanted to do.

"Did you understand English class?"

"Yes. What I don't understand is why you're being so stingy."

"Stingy? I share everything with you."

"No, I mean your stingy with that p*ssy, bae. I'm a man, I got needs. Why can't you understand that?"

"We just got together! You gotta prove your love for me before I give this up. Now can we do homework?"

I sighed and grabbed my algebra text book. "Guess so."

I understood what she saying. I guess I need to stop pressuring her and wait until she ready but I do got needs..

"Bae, I'm sorry for pressuring you. I'm respect your wishes and wait til you ready."

She looked up from her book with a big smile and came and sat on my lap. She kissed my neck and gave me hug. "Thank you for understanding, boo."

"Yeah but I'm need for you to get off me cause you really tempting a nigga."

She giggled and stood up. "Whatever. Lets just get this homework done."


California! It's a beautiful place. I would LOVE to live down here. We had went down to California together as a family and I had my first doctors appointment down there. I found out I was 4 months pregnant. I was actually excited. Really excited! I have a little pudge.

I'm having another little girl. The doctors think she should be due around November. Zharia's birthday is November 1st so I'm going to have two November babies! I'm pretty excited about that. It's June 11 now!

(A/n: I did change how old Zharia is. That shouldn't be a problem.)

Zharia is 7 months! She be crawling and playing with her toys! I even see a couple teeth trying to come in. She listens to me and she's even trying to talk now. Her favorite food right now is macaroni and cheese. I guess we'll see who's going to win the bet in a minute.

We were all chilling in are hotel room. We had a photo shoot tomorrow with Peoples magazine! I guess they love our little family.

Zharia was playing with her favorite rattle. She just loves shaking that thing around.

"Babe, Zaza will be talking soon. She gone say dada first and guess what's gone happen?"

"Shutup! She gone say mama boy. Don't be stupid."

He kissed my cheek. "We'll see, baby."

I flicked up my middle finger and started laughing.

"You acting up?" Zay asked.

"Nah!" I said still laughing.

"Zaza, you better watch your momma."

Zharia turned and looked at her father, hearing her nickname, and turned back around and started shaking her rattle.

I love my little family and I can't wait to we have our little photoshoot tomorrow.

Authors Note:


Who should win the Bet between Kia and Zay? Feedback & suggestions? Love you all.. Sorry for any mistakes.

- Author

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