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"Angelique..... Angeliqueee..." I hear from somewhere far away. I can't see anything; it's all dark. I feel myself being shaken and I feel hands on my body.....
   Startled, I open my eyes to see a concerned Jasen. "Umm are you okay?" He asks me, feeling my forehead. I laugh, relieved. It was only a dream. I guess I was crying in real life too, because my face and pillow are wet. "I'm great!!" I say, getting out of bed and hugging Jasen. He laughs and says "Dinner is ready if you're hungry."
Great. Hopefully it won't turn out horrible this time.
   I walk down the stairs carefully and cautiously look around the corner. Everything looks fine. Laughing people, delicious food. Hmm. I think to myself as I walk to the table. I take my spot and get some food. Giving up on being cautious, I start listening to conversations and laughing along. It was the perfect night.
   We end with a fire outside, and s'mores all around. Perfect.
   Finally in my room for the night, I can go through my stuff. I organize things sometimes. When I'm bored. When I'm tired. Anytime actually.
   So while I'm organizing, I find a receipt that isn't mine. Hm. I think to myself, looking at it. It's from the shoe store that I went to with my brother. But it's not my brothers receipt. He didn't buy Nikes. But Grayson did. I flip over the receipt and see a phone number.
   That sly dog.
  He must have slipped the number into my pocket while I was watching the cashier. How did I not feel it?
   I grab my phone and text the number.
Hi is this Grayson?
Yeah who is this?
He replies and I get anxious.
This is Angelique. I got your receipt.
Haha wow. I was wondering when you were gonna see it
Yeah I can't believe you did that!
And the conversation started. We talked for a long time until I couldn't keep my eyes open.
I should go.
Me too.
Good night.

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