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Mingyu's p.o.v

Wonwoo has been away for 5 weeks. I have been managing pretty well. At first, I thought that Jimin is probably going to hate me. I know that she likes Wonwoo better. But I just need to spend more time with her, so maybe she'll start loving me more. 

Jimin was taking her lunch nap, while I was just browsing through Twitter. That's when I saw the picture(up there) Damn, he looks so good. I wish I could be with him. Aish, I really miss him so much. Maybe I should call him. 


Hiiii babe, how are you? 

Hey, yeah I'm good. Just got off from a meeting. How are you?

I'm okay. We have been bonding with Jimin, but she still doesn't like me that much, I'm afraid. 

Mingyu, stop worrying about it. She loves you very much. But look, I have to go now. I have..um things to do. Bye.

Oh okay...Bye.

With that Wonwoo ended the call. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but it seemed like he didn't want to talk to me. Like I disturbed him. But it's probably nothing. I'm just over-thinking.

Jimin woke up a few hours later, grumpy and hungry.

"I don't want vegetables, I want hamburger!" She cried.

"Jiminie honey, you need to eat your vegetables."

"NO! I want hamburger!"

"Please Jimin."

"No! I hate you! I want daddy back!" She yelled, leaving the kitchen.

That's when I broke down. I cried and cried. Letting it all out of me. I knew that Jimin doesn't love me. She only loves Wonwoo. Maybe Wonwoo doesn't love me too. 

After leaving for the trip, he hasn't called me any times. It's always me that's calling. Maybe he is losing his feelings. I wouldn't be suprised. I know that I'm boring. Always nagging and acting like a overprotective mother with both of them. Maybe they are bored of me. 

I heard a ring from my phone. A message. From Wonwoo. 

'Trip ended early. Gonna be home tomorrow.


No 'I love you's or anything like that. Nothing like we used to have. I think I need time for myself. Maybe just for awhile. Yes, that's what I need. Right now. 

"JIMIN! Daddy is gonna come home tomorrow, but I need to take you to uncle Jihoon ja Seungcheol's house right now. Please pack your things and come out when you're ready."

20 minutes later Jimin walked out, carrying her bag and teddybear. 

"Let's go. I want to be with uncle Jihoon right now."

We drove to Jihoon and Seungcheol's house, they were already waiting for Jimin.

"Hello sunshine, you're gonna come to a sleepover with your cool uncles again?" Seungcheol laughed.

"YES!" She ran into the apartment with Seungcheol. 

"Mingyu, is everything okay? You seem a bit sad." Jihoon asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just want to be alone for a day. And can you call Wonwoo to tell him, that Jimin is with you and that he'd pick her up from here?" Jihoon nodded and we waved our goodbyes.

4 hours later I found myself in a bar, pretty tipsy, flirting with the bartender. He looked similar to someone, but I could't remember, who. 

"Wait, what was your name?"

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

"OOh yes, I remember you. You are the guy, who adopted a boy a few years ago, right?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Well I hope that your kid loves you, cause mine doesn't."

"I don't believe you. Of course she loves you. I remember her. Such a happy girl."

"Well yeah, she is. But she hates me. She only loves my boyfriend, Wonwoo, who probably doesn't love me too. I'll have another beer, please."

"I'm sure that your boyfriend and daughter love you very much. Jimin and I have had many ups-and-downs, but we have managed all of them. You will too." He handed me a new bottle.

"Ugh Jimin. My daughters name is Jimin. I love her so much, why can't she love me back?" I let out a cry. 

After that I only saw darkness as I passed out.


Oh god I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in ages. But I will start doing it now.

Is Wonwoo losing his feelings for Mingyu and why is Jimin so hateful towards him?

Please don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think.

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