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Wonwoo's pov

I can't feel anything. The walls start getting closer to each other, not giving me air to breathe. I need air. Jeonghan and Jihoon are talking to me, but I can't hear what are they saying. I need air. Ignoring my friends, I ran out of the door, leaving them yelling after me. In a few seconds being outside, I was soaked. The suit that I was wearing was clinging to my body.

Fuck, what am I going to do with the wedding? How could Mingyu do this to him? And a day before their wedding. And what about Jimin? What will she think if I run away like that? Will she hate me? Will everyone hate me for running away like that? Maybe I should go back and pretend that I haven't seen anything?

But I can't be like that. I can't marry I guy who I very dearly love, no doubt, but who I can't completely trust because of that picture. I can't lie to him. I don't even know what to do.

Maybe I should talk to someone. Ask for help. Yeah, I'm gonna do that.

I'm gonna call my mother. She should be here already, but whatever. Maybe she can help me decide what to do.

"Eomma, I-I need your help."

"What is it, dear? Shouldn't you be getting ready already?"

"I'm ready, but I don't know what to do. I'm confused."

"Honey, I know what you feel. I was nervous too, when I married your father. But it's going to be okay."

"No, you don't know what I mean. Someone sent me a picture of Mingyu and some guy kissing. Just when I was ready to leave. I don't know what to feel."

"Are you sure that it's Mingyu in the picture? Can you see his face and tell that it's Mingyu? Honey, knowing Mingyu, he would never cheat on you. He is totally whipped, like you youngsters say nowadays. Look at that picture again properly and then you'll see if it's Mingyu or someone similar to him, okay? I love you, dear, no matter what, you know that, right?"

"I love you too, I really do. I'm hoping that this is just a sick joke and it's not Mingyu. I really want to marry him, I really do. Okay, bye now."

I opened the chat where the picture was sent. It was a very low quality picture no doubt. Since the quality was so bad, you really can't figure out the faces on the picture. The guy who looked like Mingyu, was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Mingyu wears them a lot. Is there something that only Mingyu has? For gods sake, I'm going to marry him in like 2 hours and I can't figure out if this guy on the picture is my fiancè or not.

Okay, Mingyu has a tattoo under his arm, if this guy doesn't have that tattoo, then he's not Mingyu.

I zoomed in the picture and saw that it...

wasn't Mingyu.

Oh thank the lord. I don't know what I could've have done if it had been Mingyu. It would've ruined everything.

Now I need to get back home. I opened my phone to see what's the time.

THE WEDDING STARTED 20 MINUTES AGO. Fuck, I'm so late. They all probably think that I ran away. How to get there the fastest? Probably with a taxi. But shit, I have no money with me.

Ignoring the fact, I ordered a taxi anyways. Luckily it came right away.

The taxi driver was a young guy, maybe even too young to drive the taxi. But hey, I'm not judging anyone.

"Whoa dude, you're totally soaked. Did you know that it's like raining?"

"Yeah yeah, I know, can you just drive now. I'm late to my wedding."

I was scared. Terrified actually. What if Mingyu does like someone else and now that I'm late, he left and doesn't want me anymore? Or maybe he's gonna be mad at me for not believing in his love?

I'm so fucked.

"Uhm, if I may ask, why are you late to your own wedding? Shouldn't you be there like, hours earlier?"

"Well I kind of freaked out and ran away, because I got a message and a picture that had my boyfriend kissing another dude on. But luckily it wasn't him. So I just realised that the wedding is already on. Now I'm afraid that maybe he left or I don't even know what. Do you think that I'm a horrible person for assuming that he cheated on me without hearing him out?"

"No, I totally understand. I have a boyfriend, Taehyung, who's a year older than me and sometimes I think that maybe I'm too young for him or he'll get sick of me, but then we talk about it and he tells me every single time that he loves me for who I am and that age doesn't matter.

I'm pretty sure that your boyfriend is a will understand if you tell him about it. And if he doesn't, then his not the guy for you. People divorce all the time. But I do hope that everything will work out."

"Thank you, uhm..."

"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

"Oh my last name is Jeon, too. And for me and him, we can't have divorce. We have a daughter and even if our relationship will change, we can't break up because of her. It'd be too much for her to handle."

"Yeah, I understand. Oh look, we're already here. Go get your man now."

"Uh, yes. Can you wait here, I'll get you the money from someone there and then pay you."

"No need, it's on me. Now go get your man, for gods sake."

I quickly stepped out of the car, rushing inside. I didn't even know, how I looked like. Probably awful. Just as I was about to step inside, I wanted to take my phone out and text the person, who sent me the message but my phone was nowhere to be found. Ah fuck, not right now.

Okay, screw it. I'm gonna do this. I'm going to marry Mingyu.

When I opened the door, I saw something that I never wanted to see.


I'm literally loving to leave cliffhangers, sorry not sorry.

Anyways, we had some mature Jungkook over here. And yes, Taekook is amazayn.

Ya'll can vote and comment, so maybe we'll have more of BTS in the book :)

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