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*An hour before Jimin and Jihoon's phone call*

Wonwoo's pov

Mingyu and I have been more passionate nowadays. Maybe it's because we've had more free time.

We have mostly stayed home though and it seems that Jimin doesn't like it very much. Well obviously, she's so little and wants to play outside and stuff.

Now Mingyu and I are feeling guilty that we haven't noticed her so much. Because of that, we decided to take her to her favourite park. She always enjoys staying there because of the other kids.

I feel like I have been a bad father to her in the past. Always away and now when I'm here, I'm with Mingyu or someone else. It seems like I don't even notice her. But I do!

I always watch her eat all of her food and watch her dress herself warmly, since it is freezing already.

"Jiminieeee, come down please! We're going to the park!"

"Jimin, please come down."

Why isn't she answering?

"Jimin, please answer your appa."

Okay what is going on?

Jimin isn't answering Mingyu and I. Quickly, I ran upstairs. Opening her door, I expected to see her.

But she wasn't there.

She wasn't in her room.



Right away, I could hear Mingyu's footsteps on the stairs.

"What? What are you talking about? Where is she?"

Just at this moment, his phone ringed. It was Cheol.

"Hey Cheol, what's going on?"

"Hey it's Jihoon. We have a huge problem. Jimin is missing."

"What do you know? We just noticed that she is not in her room. Do you know where she is? What's going on Jihoon?"

I haven't been so scared in a long long time. Last time was with Jimin, too. God, she's too young for something to happen again.

"She called me with your phone, Wonwoo. Telling me that she thinks that you guys don't love her anymore. Anyways, she is in an alley somewhere. It can't be far, because she couldn't have gone so far. I tried to talk to her, but she said that a big angry guy is coming her way and then the call ended. Cheol and I started looking for her."

Oh my god. My baby. This can't be happening. I could feel the walls coming closer and my head getting dizzier.

"Baby, look at me. Wonwoo please, look at me. You need to stay calm so we could go and find her, okay?"

"Okay, I'm okay. Let's go. She can't be far away, so let's go towards the town, alright?"

Mingyu nodded to me and right away, we put our jackets on and took many blankets and warm things with us, because Jimin's jacket was at home.

Oh god, she must be freezing. My poor baby.

Seungcheol's pov

The last time I saw Jihoon so worried, was when Jimin had her accident. Jihoon loves like his own daughter, so if anything happens to her, he will be panicking like her real parent. I'm pretty sure that when him and I adopt a kid, he will be the most over-protective dad ever. But I know that he just loves the kid more than his life.

That's the thing. I know that he loves kids so much, so I have been thinking about suprising him by bringing it up myself, because I have a feeling that he thinks that I don't want kids. But I love kids very much. The more, the merrier, right? We have been talking about it a long time ago and I know that I want 2 kids. A boy, who should be the first one and then a girl, so her older brother can protect her if needed.

Right now, Jihoon and I were driving around Wonwoo and Mingyu's neighbourhood, because Jimin should be somewhere over there. God, we're all so scared for her.

Jihoon called Jeonghan, Seungkwan and Minghao, too. They told us that they're gonna start looking for her too.

I took Jihoon's little hand in mine and held it on his thigh. He sighed.

"Hoonie baby, everything is going to be okay. We're gonna find her soon."

"I hope so, Cheol, I really do."

Jisung's pov

I was walking home from my friend, Mark's house, when I saw something weird. A big guy was talking to someone I didn't see. I was just about to walk away, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hooni- p-please don't hurt m-me."

That sounded just like Jimin. That cute little Jimin, who always annoyed Chenle and I, but in a weird way, we liked her staying with us.

Quietly, I walked closer to where the big guy was standing.

"P-please don't h-hurt m-me."

"JIMIN! Jimin, is that you?"

"JISUNG! Sungie, please take me home."

"You brat! Get lost!"

The man seemed really pissed. I need to save Jimin. Yes, I need to save her.

"I'm sorry if my little sister disturbed you, but we need to go home now. Our dad is already worried."

"Get lost, you brat! I will take care of her myself."

"Sorry, can't do that. I need to take oher home no matter what you say."
Me being a small boy as I am, I could easily get Jimin and run away, but there is a chance that he'll get us and that is not a very nice idea.

Letting Jimin know what I was planning, I tried to distract the guy so Jimin could get closer to me.

"But if I may ask, why do you want my sister?"
"None of your fucking business, you brat. Get lost now!"

By that time, he didn't even notice that Jimin was so far from him so I quickly grabber her and ran as fast as I could. Luckily there were people on the street so he couldn't actually do anything to us.

After awhile of running, I decided to walk and put Jimin down. I called dad.

"Jisung honey, we have a problem. Jiminie is missing. All of us and your brother are looking for her but we can't find her."

"Dad, chill. Jimin is with me. She is a bit shaken right now but we'll be home in a few minutes so I will tell you everything then. Tell the others to come there too."
I hung up the call and took Jimin's little hand in my bigger one.

"So Jiminie, why were you out of the house alone?"

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