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It has been 4 days since Wonwoo and Mingyu came to the hospital. They haven't left. Neither of them. Jisoo and Jeonghan brought them food, so they would stay healthy. All they wanted was that their babygirl would wake up. Was it too much to be asked? She is so young, her whole life is waiting for her. Please just make her wake up again. Wonwoo didn't cry anymore. Neither did Mingyu. The tears were gone. Now it was just emotionless wall-staring. They didn't talk to each other, they only thanked their friends for the food and asked the doctor how's Jimin doing. But nothing with each other. It's just too painful. They felt that it's all their fault. If Mingyu wouldn't had a fight with Jimin, they wouldn't have been seperated and if Wonwoo wouldn't have been away, they'd be all together now. So they feel guilty now. 

Days after days, they have been in the hospital for a week. No once leaving the building. They were so tired but something could happen if they'd fall asleep. One day, they think it was Tuesday, when doctor Kim came to the palate. You couldn't tell, what is he going to say now. Was it happy or sad? Wonwoo grabbed Mingyu's hand, squeezing it for support. Mingyu smiled to Wonwoo, hoping for the best. 

"So your daughter. She has been in a coma for a week without any signs of getting better. Today her condition changed. Let's see her."

They walked into the room, where Jimin was staying. But she wasn't there. The bed was empty, the tubes and wires were gone. Mingyu started crying again.

"N-no, please n-no. Oh my g-god." He fell to his knees and sobbed really hard. Wonwoo started crying too. 

"Daddy~Appa~ why are you crying?" Jimin was sitting in a young woman's lap, still pale and bruised, but a big smile was covering her face. (SIKE you probably thought I'm gonna kill Jimin)

"OH MY GOD! JIMINIE!! You scared us to death." 

"Appa please don't cry anymore. I love you so much. I'm so sorry that I said bad things to you. I didn't mean them."

"Of course Jiminie, it's okay. I'm just glad that you're okay. Let's put you to bed now, alright? You still have to rest a lot. Do you daddy to get you some coloring pages?"

"Yes appa, I'd like that. Can I see uncle Hoonie too? I miss him."

The guys just nodded as doctor Kim told them what's going on.

"So Jimin's case is like a miracle. She didn't have many chances of surviving or if surviving, then she wouldn't be able to walk, but she can walk. Her legs might be a bit sensitive for awhile, but in few weeks, maximum month, she will be able to run and jump like before. She's really lucky."

Now was the time, when Wonwoo and Mingyu talked to each other again. They hugged for a long time, not wanting to let each other go. 

"Wonwoo, I was so afraid. I thought we lost her. I wouldn't be able to live without her. I love her so much. I love you so much too." Mingyu whispered into Wonwoo's neck. 

"I know Mingyu, I know. I love you too."

Soon after calling their friends, Jihoon and Seungcheol came. 

"Uncle Jihoon!!! I missed you so much."

"Hello sunshine, I missed you too. How are you feeling? Does little Jimin need uncle Jihoon's kissies?"

"YES Jimin needs Hoonies kissies. Cheolie's too. Everyone's kissies."

The guys chuckled at Jimin's loud voice, they were glad that she was like the old self again. Soon after, the other guys came too. They were all entertaining Jimin as Wonwoo and Mingyu drove home to changle clothes and bring some of Jimin's stuff. They haven't been that happy in awhile. This probably made them stick more together too. 

"Babe, do you know this guy called Yoongi?"

"Yes, Wonwoo, why do you ask?"

"Well he works in this bar, right next to the hotel you were staying. He was the one who told me where you were staying. What did you think, getting yourself drunk like that?"

"I-I didn't know. I was hurt and just wanted to get away from everything."

"Why couldn't you talk to me? I was so worried. God, I love you so much. What could've I done if something would've happened? You can't do this to me anymore. I'm not strong enough to live without you, so please stop this nonsense. I need you." Wonwoo was crying now. He barely cries. Just when things are serious. 

"Wonwoo, please stop crying. I'm not going to do anything like that again. I will stay with you. I will never leave you, don't worry. Baby, I love you so much that leaving you would never be in my mind. Now please stop crying, you're making me cry too but then I can't drive back to the hospital."

The older just nodded and wiped away his tears. Relaxing, he put his arms around Mingyu's waist, hugging him tight. Mingyu kissed Wonwoo's hair and whispered things like 'i love you' and 'i'll buy you hamburgers later'. Very romantic indeed.


I'm back with another part aye. I was really concidering the fact of Jimin dying, but nah, she's too cool to die. 

From another subject, I have new book. It's called don't burn yourself_yoonmin, so if you are a fan of yoonmin, I'd be very happy, if you'd check that out too. 

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