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Wonwoo's p.o.v

Why the hell isn't Mingyu picking up his phone? Jihoon had sent him a message that Jimin was at their place and Mingyu had seemed sad and tired. He wasn't at our apartment too. Hopefully everything's okay. Jimin was playing in her room, while I was panicking in the living room. Deciding to have a cup of water, I walked to the kitchen. There was a note on the table.

'Dear Wonwoo, 

don't worry about me. I have decided to take some time for myself. A day or few. Don't try to contact me because I won't answer. Know that I still love you, although I think that you don't love me anymore.

Love Mingyu'

Why is he talking such rubbish? Me not loving him? Bullshit. I love him even more than before. Why should I stop loving him if the 'trip' was to buy him a ring. Yes, I'm planning to propose to him. But now that he is missing, I won't do anything. He needs to be stable before I ask something so important.

"Jiminie honey, do you know what's wrong with appa?"

"No but he was being a meanie. I didn't want to be with him. He made me clean my room and eat my vegetables."

"Honey, but you need to do those things, you know that. Did you say anything to appa?"

"I-i might have said that I hate him, but I didn't mean it, I'm sorry. I just want you back."

"Jimin, you can't say that to appa. He's hurt now. Jiminie, please never tell anything like that to appa."

"I know. I'm sorry. But where is he?" 

"I don't know. He left." I sighed, brushing my hand through my hair. 

I could feel tears in my eyes as I said these words. We told each other that we won't leave each other but now he just did it. 

"Baby, go play with your toys, I'll clean and unpack my things."

She just nodded and left the room. I was the person who didn't cry much. When I did, it was for something that really moved me. But my boyfriend just leaving like that without any hints of where he could be, made me cry hard. I think I've never cried this hard. 

"Daddy don't cry. He will be back soon, I know that."

"B-but what if he doesn't want to come back? I can't manage without him."

"No, he will come back. I will bring his ass back to your ass if I have to. This is all my fault and you two need to be together. I won't let you break up. Now let's drive to uncle Jihoon's house and I'll stay there, you come home and watch some sad movies, eat a bunch of junk food and DON'T try to contact mommy. He won't come home then. Now let's go, I have my things packed."


I'm sorry, this is so shitty and short and took me like a week to write. I try to write more but my teachers are being real bitches with all of the tests and exams and homework, so I have basically no free time anymore. Luckily school is ending in 3 weeks so then I have more time to write.

Please don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think :)

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