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I was with sherry in my car, driving us to school. We reached the intersection and I stopped when I saw red lights, there was another car in front of me. I heard my phone vibrate, I took it out of my jeans pocket and look at the text which was from Betty saying, "Where are you? still haven't reached school?" I smiled and texted her back "I'll be there in 5". And then I put the phone back.

I turned on the radio and smiled when I heard Ariana Glande's voice. I started humming the song while looking outside the window. Sherry was busy reading a novel, she probably didn't even notice that the car stopped.

While looking around I spotted a familiar black SUV, the first car on the second lane.
"Sherry! Isn't that Mrs. Jim's car?" I asked my sister pointing at the direction of the car.
When there was no response I turned to look at Sherry who was still burying her face on her novel. I sighed and increased the volume of the radio; I can as well consider I am alone in the car.

I noticed the traffic light changing from red to green, as I was about to start the car I heard a loud sound of cars crashing. I glanced at Sherry who was also looking at me with a questioning look. We took our seatbelts off and got out of our car, we noticed a large crowd forming at the intersection and a lot of cars have stopped, people were murmuring loudly but I couldn't figure out what they were saying. I noticed a big lorry at the intersection and I immediately knew that it was relating to the crush we heard. I passed in the crowd so that I can reach in front to see what happened and there I saw Mrs Jim. She was lying unconscious in her car, her face was covered in blood and her car was a mess especially the driver's side and then I heard a woman beside me saying "We already called the ambulance and the police but I think the woman is already dead, though I am only a medical student but I can tell that much." And I couldn't disagree with that.

"Hey! Why are you sweating so much? And will you please go sleep in your room," Sherry scolded me.

I opened my eyes to see that I was still in our living room, I think I dozed off while watching a movie. So it was only a dream, thank God.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Having a bad dream??" Sherry asked after inspecting my face.

I nodded while waking up so I can stay in a sitting position. I noticed the tv was switched off already.

"What time is it?" I asked her.

"It's 1 a.m, umm... wanna talk about it?" She asked with a worried face.

"No, it's nothing. It was just a dream anyway...I'll just go to sleep in my room," I assured her.

"Ok, oh...your phone has been ringing for the past one hour, couldn't even read my novel in peace. Must be Betty. I'm going to sleep now, good night... and happy birthday," she finished with a smile before going away to the direction of her room.

And then it clicked; It's my birthday already. OMG!! Betty is going to kill me. I opened my phone to see 30 missed calls from Betty, that stupid Sherry didn't wake me up, I swear she did that on purpose. I was watching a movie so that I could stay up till midnight to avoid Betty's wrath. My phone rang and Betty's number displayed. I answered and placed the phone on my ear.

"KAYLA WHAT IS THIS!!!? WHERE WERE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU ONLY PICKING NOW?? YOU MY DEAR HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO!!!" She shouted, I had to put the phone away from my ear before placing it back.

"Hello to you too. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking," I answered her with a grin though she can't see me.

"We will talk about this tomorrow first thing in the morning," I could feel her rolling her eyes "Well.... I was calling to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!! now you are officially eighteen," She shouted as if she is talking to a sixty years old woman who has a bad hearing but I smiled. Betty has always been more excited and looking forward to my birthdays more than myself.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now