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I shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Luke was looking at me, staring at me. He was sitting opposite me, not even bothering to hide that he was staring. I am sure the others noticed it too but didn't say anything, or maybe it was just me being paranoid.

We were waiting for Kyle and Britney. Betty got there few minutes ago with Sherry, they were the ones who made us break our make out session and although I was sad that it ended, I was thankful that we didn't have a chance to talk after. I didn't know what to say. Or maybe I would want more than just that if we had more time, the thought scared me. That was no time for that.

"Why is Kyle not here yet?" I asked Betty, I didn't bother with Britney. I was hoping she wasn't coming anyway as she will just stick herself beside Luke all the time. 'Jealous much?' The voice inside me asked. 'No way' I internally answered myself 'It's just that I hate PdA's', I convinced myself. 'Oh really?' I heard the small voice again but I ignored it.

"I don't know, I haven't been able to get a hold of him since earlier, last I talked to him he said he was confirming something then he will come straight here," Betty answered.

Sherry walked in with sliced fruits on a plate, "Want some?" she asked us.

"No, I ate earlier." I answered and then I remembered what happened after that, I felt the heat rising on my cheeks.

"What is wrong with you?" Sherry asked me inspecting me suspiciously. Betty quickly turned to look at me.

"You're blushing," she pointed out, embarrassing me in the process. Thanks Betty.

"Wait, did something happen between you two before we walked in?" she questioned us, looking between me and Luke.

"Yeah, it did. Speaking of which, what a great timing you two have!" Luke answered nonchalantly and I immediately choked on my saliva.

"What are you talking about, nothing happened," I quickly denied while coughing heavily. Betty laughed at me, giving me a knowing look before she went on to pat my back.

"Oh...I really feel nothing. Luke texted to tell us earlier but I didn't really think it was true," Betty told me and I was thankful for a change of topic.

"What do you take me for? Why would I lie about it?" Luke scowled at her.

"So, to commemorate it you had a little..." she trailed off wigling her eyebrows and giving him suggestive looks.

I facepalmed myself 'we're back at it again' I sighed. Luke just smirked at that.

"It's not what you think!" I scowled at them.

"Oh really? I was thinking you had a few drinks to commemorate it but if it's not what I am thinking then..?" she insinuated, scratching her chin for a dramatic effect. I gave her a threatening look but she just ignored it and went on to high-five with Sherry.

"You remembered to use protection, right? We don't want little Luke and Kayla running around before even finishing high school now, do we?" my jaw dropped hearing her saying that. At that moment I wanted the ground to open itself and swallow me whole but seeing that was not happening sooner or later I opted to tackle her down in a lock to shut her up. I heard Sherry and Luke laughing at us.

We heard the door bell ringing. Sherry stood up and went to open the door. Few minutes later she returned with Kyle and Britney. I released Betty.

"Why are you two coming together?" Betty questioned. That was so Betty like, she likes to always make clear what is hers and she has no problem demanding for answers right there if something doesn't sit right with her.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now