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It was during lunch. Sherry and I were sitting on our usual table. I wasn't able to talk to Betty during our one period we share together, she came in late and left as soon as the bell rang. I was positive it was to avoid me, I could swear she definitely saw me hurrying to her when the bell rang. But I was determined to talk to her after school hours whether she liked it or not.

I glanced at Britney's table and saw her sitting there with them, she was looking down at her food. I could tell something was bothering her with the way she was silently looking at it, not even eating. I sighed and looked back at my own food.

Sherry looked at me after hearing me sigh "Stop thinking about it. I am sure everything will be fine. And I am here for you. If you want I can go and talk to Betty," she suggested.

"No Sherry, it's fine." I told her.

"Or maybe we should gang her up, me and you...what do you think? I think that's what we should do, gang her up and make her confess why she is acting that way," she suggested with a serious expression and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you, but no. We are no gangsters. If she doesn't want to talk about it we are not going to force it out of her. I'll try to talk to her, let's hope she will open up," I told her.

"I seriously don't understand her though. You guys have been best friends for over ten years now, no matter which problem she is going through this is no way to treat your ten years friend," Sherry said annoyed.

"Isn't this too much!? Out of all people why did it have to be Britney?" Sherry questioned. I could sense how pissed she was.

I sighed loud and shifted my eyes back to my pasta which was already cold. I didn't have appetite at all.

I looked around the cafeteria to see if I could spot Luke, seeing that he wasn't on his usual table. I didn't find him and neither his best friend, Kyle.

I then noticed that the cafeteria was filled with smoke, an unusual smoke....wait, this can't be it? This can't be that dream, can it?

Before I could register anything I saw some cooks running out of the kitchen and start screaming fire! fire! and then the fire alarm went off that instant. It was happening exactly like in my dream. I could faintly hear Sherry talking to me, I was in a daze. Seconds later she pulled me from my seat and started moving towards the exit while holding my hand tight. It was too crowded by everyone trying to go out, the whole cafeteria was filled with smokes now and fire could be seen from the other side spreading quickly. I suddenly came back to my sense and jolted back, causing Sherry to stumble backward also.

"Kaylaaa!! What are you doing Kaylaaa....we have to get out of here, come to your sense," she shouted at me.

I looked her in the eyes and unntangled my hand from hers "Betty! we have to save her. She must be here somewhere. I have to save her," I told her.

"Wha-t are you talk-ing about Kayl-a, she must have left, their table was closer to the do-or," she said while coughing. The smoke was starting to get to us.

"My dream....you go....explain...later," I told her while pushing her towards the door. I could feel her resist but I made sure she had no choice. The crowd which were trying to go out was pushing her out also. I blindly ran back to the cafeteria. I could barely see a thing in that smoke. I ran to the place I last saw Betty and I could blurry see a figure lying down coughing hard.

"Betty....Betty...can y..ou hear me? Don't worry I am here now," I told her as I went to her side and try to carry her but she was too heavy and the smoke was too much.

"Betty answer me, we need to get out of here. I am going to try to move you, now try to stand."

Betty who could barely keep her eyes open started to open her mouth and saying something. I leaned to her so that I could hear her but the only thing I heard was "y-o-u..h-u-r-t....p-a-i-n" what was she saying? she didn't make any sense. As I moved so that I can tell her that I noticed Betty's eyes completely closed. Oh no!! I looked around and noticed some objects around us were already on fire. I got into a full panic mode immediately, only then did I relise what a serious situation we were in and that we could both die in there.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now