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I walked downstairs and entered the kitchen, to say it was messy would be an understatement of the year.

Sherry who was wearing mom's apron was standing near the Island staring at what looked like pancakes. It would be a lie if I say I was surprised, that is to be expected when you let Sherry try to cook anything. She can't cook and I mean it. Actually to see that the kitchen wasn't on fire yet I can say it was an improvement. I only told her to make me breakfast so that she can drop the subject of my dream. It was too terrifying to talk about it.

I coughed to announce my presence, she looked at me and smiled awkwardly.

"Let's just eat cereal," she told me while taking off the apron.

"Mom would kill you if she was here, you better clean this mess as soon as we get back," I told her while getting bowls from the cupboard.

"Have you talked to her?" she asked, referring to mom.

"Yeah, she called me few minutes ago when I got out of shower" I answered her.

Mom is usually here for our birthdays but this time she couldn't. She had a seminar out of the country the whole week, which was starting on my birthday. She just called me to apologize for her and Dad not being here for my eighteenth birthday and that we would celebrate it together the next week when they get back.

"Sorry mom is not here for your birthday but you have to understand her, she loves you so much, as much as I hate to admit this but she loves you more than me," Sherry tried to cheer me up after noticing the sadness in my voice when I answered her.

"I know and I understand. She has been looking forward to this seminar for months. It's a chance to meet famous designers around the world and I would feel bad if she were to miss this chance for me but there's this little part of me that can't help but being sad she isn't here," I voiced my thoughts.

"Oh..and I am glad we established that I am the one who mom loves the most," I smirked taking a completely 180 degree from my previous mood.

"Ughh! I was fooled, you tricked me!!" she complained and I couldn't help but laugh.

  *       *     *       * 

We were waiting for traffic lights to turn green so that I can continue driving us to school when I heard my phone vibrate, I took it out of my jeans pocket and look at the text which was from Betty saying "Where are you? still haven't reached school?" I smiled and texted her back "I'll be there in 5."

I put my phone back and turn the car radio on , I smiled when I heard Ariana Glande's song playing, I started humming along. I glanced at Sherry who was busy reading her novel, I looked in front to find that I was second on this lane. Wait! This looks familiar! This scene looks like... no, it can't be. Come to think of it we are wearing the same clothes! My eyes drifted to the second lane searching for a particular car, "Please let it not be here" I prayed. But It was there, the black SUV, Mrs Jim's car, our English teacher's car.

"No, that was just a dream. Everything will be fine, nothing will happen. It's just a coincidence everything looks like in my dream," I stared at the traffic lights, I was holding tight the steering wheel and I could feel myself sweating.

The lights changed from red to green and I closed my eyes. "Nothing will happen," I assured myself.

But I heard it, the sound of a car crush and I could feel my heart stop beating for a second, "let her not be dead" was the last thing I could hope for.

"I think there's an accident, I'll go check" Sherry told me while getting out of the car. I couldn't bring myself to get out of the car, I just waited, my heart was beating faster and I felt like I couldn't breath.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now