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Millions thoughts were running in my head. I didn't know what to do, how to deal with everything anymore. Should I just detach myself from everyone and deal with my own problems myself? Can I even do that? Can I forget Luke and Betty? I didn't think so. But what if they are not what they tell me they are, what if they are bad like other werewolves and vampires, what if they hurt people? Will I be able to take it if I found out they were lying? What should I do? What am I going to do? Who should I trust?

"We're here," I heard a voice telling me. It was Luke's voice. I then remembered where we were. We were in his car, he was sending me home.

"Oh, we are already here" I mumbled as I released the seat belt. I opened the door so that I can get out but-

"This isn't my home," I pointed out.

"Yeah, It's mine. I never said we were at your place," he told me with a chuckle "Don't tell me you only realised now that we weren't heading to your house, after reaching here!!" he exclaimed.

"Why are we here? Weren't you going to send me home first?" I asked, confused.

"Did you forget we have to meet the others here when we get back?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah right" I said remembering what we agreed yesterday "but why didn't you tell me that we were coming here?" I asked him.

"I told you like a million times which you just looked at me and nodded. I even asked if you were okay but you just nodded and looked on the other side, you completely zoned out. Did something happen in there that I should be worried of? You haven't talked about it since you came back," he asked looking worried.

"Nothing happened. I just had a lot of things in my mind that's why," I answered him and then got out of the car. I opened the back door and took the time capsule box which we digged out a while back at my old home. I closed the door with my foot, as I turned Luke was there infront of me. He quickly took the box in his hands without saying a word and led the way to his apartment. I followed quietly behind him.

We reached Luke's apartment, it was quite and neat as usual. Luke went ahead in the living room to put the box, he returned few second later with a phone on his hand.

"I just texted the others telling them that we're back, they said they will be here in half an hour. Meanwhile would you like something to eat??" he asked.

"No, I am fine" I answered.

"No, you're not. We have been together since morning and you ate nothing. I am not taking no for an answer so hurry and pick something! How about I make you a sandwich?" he asked me and I just nodded, having no any other choice but to accept.

"Okay, give me five minutes." he told me before disappearing in the kitchen. I debated whether I should go and watch him prepare food for me or I should just stay in the living room and wait for him to finish. I decided the later. It wouldn't be a good idea to do the first one especially when I was trying to distance myself from him.

I walked in the living room directly to the time capsule box that was on the table. I took it in my hands and went to sit with it on the couch, placing it on my lap. I wanted to open it when I was in my room alone but I couldn't wait anymore. I was curious and I didn't know at what time I'll go back home. I ripped the lid open and took the first item that catched my eyes, It was the drawing. I drew it when I was young, it was my first drawing of my family together. I insisted that it had to go in the time capsule too. The drawing looked rather funny as I see it now. I remember arguing that it looked exactly like us but now as I see the stick people drawn in it I couldn't help but laugh at my younger self.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now