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I walked in the library and put my books on my usual table, at the back of the library. I walked towards the book shelf and started looking for a literature book we were told to analyse as homework, since I had nothing to do I could as well finish my homework.

"Ugh... can I go a day without seeing your face?" I heard that irritating voice complaining behind me.

I turned to look at her "I am not in a mood to entertain you Britney, not today" I sighed before grabbing the book I came for and tried to leave but she blocked my way. I stopped and looked at her annoyed.

"What did you say? Entertain!!? You think I am entertained by you? That is the last thing I get from you and I think you know what the first things are," She said giving me bitter looks which I was used to them by then from her.

I wasn't in a mood to argue with her, instead I shoved her aside so that I could walk away. But she flinched and yelled at my touch.

"Y-you... you are a witch!!!?" She insulted me but it came out as a question.

"No... Because you would be the first thing I got rid of if I were one," I rolled my eyes.

"You... where did you learn to do that? How did you do that? You can't be. No.. this is not possible," she asked more to herself than me.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What stunt are you trying to pull right now?" I questioned her.

"Now I understand why Betty is avoiding you, you will start to lose everyone on your side. And then Luke will be mine, too bad I couldn't participate on ruining you," she feigned sad.

I looked at her with disgust how can a person be this cheap? I looked at the top of the shelf behind her and saw a big book, I couldn't help but having an evil thought how nice would it be if that book were to fall down on her head and make her trip on her heels and break her hand. I smirked evilly.

Before I could process what was happening, Britney was down on the floor crying while holding her hand. How did that happen? Was it really a coincidence that it happened exactly like how I was thinking?

"You did this, didn't you??" Britney managed to say in a middle of her crying.

A librarian and some students who heard the commotion rushed to where we were. Miss Jack, our librarian inspected her and turned to students who were crowding the area.

"I think she broke her hand, take her to the nursing room," she ordered.

Some two guys hurried and helped Britney up so that they can take her to the nursing room.

"What happened?" Miss Jack who was giving me questioning looks this whole time asked me.

"I didn't do it," I defended myself "We were just talking and then suddenly that book fell on her head and she lost her balance and tripped" I explained nervously, pointing at the big book which was then lying down.

"Continue with what you were doing. I'll get back to you after we get Miss Britney statement," She told me before walking away to her desk.

"This is gonna be a long day!" I sighed. I hoped I won't get in trouble, knowing Britney she will put all the blame on me when I didn't do anything. Thinking is not a crime, is it?

     *         *          *          *

I was standing on the school parking lot besides Betty's car waiting for her. I tried to talk to her during school hours but her avoiding skills are of no joke, I couldn't find her anywhere.

I had been beside her car since the minute the last bell rang, forty minutes later she still didn't shown up. I asked Sherry to take a ride from her friends but she just rolled her eyes and walk away saying that she will take a bus. It clicked me then that she had no friends. I would have asked her to wait for me if I didn't know how stubborn Betty is. She probably knew that I would wait for her that's why she was taking her time.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now