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"You know about me, what do you know? What do you know of our kinds? What are you? Tell me," I demanded.

"Let me down, let me go you freak. I don't know what you are talking about, " she angrily told me.

She was then back to normal and if it was anyone else telling me how she changed a while back I would have disagreed but I saw her myself, even if it was for a short while.

We had been going on like that for almost half an hour and it looked like neither of us was planning to give up sooner.

"I can clearly see this isn't working out. I was hoping I wouldn't have to use my plan b but you left me with no other choices," I told her and then dropped her down. She groaned when she hit the ground. Before she could wake up and run I nodded at Sherry and she immediately understood and moved behind me, away from Britney. I then looked at the candles and muttered some words before the fire started growing and started rotating in a cirle around her, in a ring manner. I made the circle with atleast one meter radius. I wasn't sure If I could do that, the last time I practised that trick was ten years ago with my birth mother.

"What the..?" she jolted up in shock after probably sensing the rise in temperature around her.

"Are you out of your mind, stop this madness!" she cried.

"Are you kidding me, we have just started" I shouted "How about I'll stop when you are ready to talk. Fair, isn't it?"

I then made the fire ring smaller and increased the intensity of fire, it now covered half of her body and it was atleast half meter radius. I continued like that untill it's length almost covered her. I was hoping she would talk already.

"Okay, okay. Fine. I'll talk," she finally yelled after a while. I reduced the height of the fire to her knee level and increase it's radius back to half a meter. I wasn't gonna put the fire out completely, it's Britney I was dealing with, she could have been tricking me to put down my guard.

"What are you waiting for? On your mark, ready and go sign?" I asked her, getting impatient.

"You want me to talk like this??" she asked in disbelief pointing at the ring of fire to make a point.

"Would you rather talk when it's above your height and much closer?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow. I was getting tired of that already.

"No," she answered faster "Ok, fine. I know that you are a witch. I knew that since that time in the library."

"How did you know?" Sherry asked her, moving closer to her but not so close.

"I just knew," she answered.

"You know that we have all night, right? It's just your choice if you want to spend it inside a fire ring," I smirked at her.

"Fine. I knew when I came in contact with you. You electrocuted me!" she accused me.

"No, I did not!" I defended myself. She just rolled her eyes.

"We will get back to that. Tell me first what are you? How could you do that?" I asked her.

"You probably already have that part figured out by now, seeing the look you gave me a while ago," she responded with an annoying look. "Now, will you let me go!!" she yelled.

"Not yet, say it with your mouth! Say it! What are you? How many of you are there, tell meeeee!!" I shouted at her angrily, I was now pissed at her. She wasn't my favorite person to begin with but then adding the fact that she was among those horrible creatures I loathed wasn't helping her case. I kept on decreasing the radius of the ring while increasing it's intensity. I could hear Sherry saying something but her voice...I couldn't hear any of her words.

It all started when I turned 18Where stories live. Discover now