Chapter 11 I'm so close

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Authors Note: This was a really short story and its almost over. Just a silly love story of making sure you make the right choices in your life. I hope you liked it and watch out for my other stories

Chapter 11, I'm so close

"Hey Steven?" I asked as I entered the small shop.  Carson's Father owned this small secondhand shop on a busy street.

"Ali?" He said motioning me to come to the counter.

"Hi." I said bouncing in joy. I was so close to seeing him again. "

"What are you doing here?" He asked, cleaning a dirty bowl.

 "I'm looking for Car-" I started.

"Carson." He finished, looking at me with his clear blue eyes. "He's not here."

"I see that." I said impatiently. "But its important."

"What are you going to do?" He demanded. "Are you going to beg for forgiveness and then brake his heart again?"

"No." I said, tears in my eyes. "I lost everything. My baby, my life. I need to tell him that I love him. And that I'm sorry. I don't care if he is still mad. I just want him to know that I am still in love with him."

He sighed. "Ali. You can't go to him."

"Who are you to say I can't?" I asked.

"I'm his father missy. And I am protecting him from another year of sadness in his life. He's happier now more then ever and I won't have you ruin it." He said. "Now tell me why you need him?"

I told him everything.

He was silent after everything. I waited for him to make a sound, or to quickly tell me where Carson is.

"And I have a hunch that Ashton is going to go and kill him now." I choked out.

"He isn't your anymore." He whispered.

"I know." I said.

"He moved on you know." He said.

"Yes! But I need to tell him...." I trailed off.

"I know Ali." He whispered so low I almost missed it. "Here's his address. You might want to call him before you visit though."

"No I need to see him face to face." I said quickly. "I won't have the nerve to tell him..."

He handed my a piece of notebook paper and on it was in neat writing Carson's address.

"He lives in Alabama?" I asked. "Why?"

"Its a long story." He said. "You should go now. Go apologize to Carson and turn into best friends again."

"Thanks Mr. Rowan." I said giving him a quick hug. "Your the best."

"Thats what you always said when you got what you wanted from me." He grumbled. "I can't tell you how many times I got in trouble from giving you something that you eventually destroyed."

"Har har." I sarcastically. "I never got you in trouble with my plans."

He just smiled. I left the store and hoped that I could find Carson before Ash got to him. I don't underestimate him anymore, because he almost killed me, and he did kill baby Carson.

I drove back to my parents house and dropped off my car. I didn't need it because I hoped Carson would take me back. I caught a 4:00 bus and I fell asleep for the long ride to Mobile, Alabama.

On the bus I watched out for any weird people like before. There wasn't any weird guys with tattoos or crazed women with guns stuffed in their shirts. I breathed a sigh of relief. I wouldn't have to use my almost empty pepper spray again. Carson would get a kick out of that story.

I sat next to an old woman. Her hair was gold and silver and she was reading a newspaper. I listened to the radio which had the national news. A tv on the top of the car was showing the news.

"A dead child Carson Winters was found in an apartment in LA and the mother Alessandra Winters is missing. The apartment is filled with blood, both the child's and the mother's. Any further information of Alessandra Winter's disappearence will be reported to the authorites and will help this investigation. Thank you."

I couldn't breathe. They found my baby. Did they think I killed him? But they saw my blood so they must've found out that I was attacked to.

On the overhead tv they showed a picture of the apartment and me. The picture of baby Carson killed me inside. His battered body was bruised and bloody. They just used my work photo and my assitant Sage must've listened to me and not told anyone of me leaving LA. A rage of fury grew in me as I saw Ashton's picture appear.

The old lady was watching the tv. She had a worried look on her face and for once I felt like someone cared. She looked at me and I smiled.

"Don't you think that's sad?" She said.

"Yeah I feel bad for the woman." I lied.

"She's probably dead in a corner somewhere, or hiding from the murderers." She said.

"Yeah probably." I shuddered.

She looked at me intently. "You know, you look like her."

I shrugged.

"You got the same dark hair and eyes." Her eyes widened. "Why aren't you with the authorites?"

"I can't." I said. "They will think I killed my baby when I didn't."

"Where's your husband at?" She asked.

"He's the killer." I said.

Her eyes widened even more and she gasped. "You need to tell someone!"

"I am." I said. "I'm going to find a friend right now."

"Well lets hope your friend knows what to do." She said.

"Trust me." I said more to myself then to her. "He'll know exactly what to do."

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