Chapter 12, Blindsided

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Authors Note!: This is the end! I hoped you liked it! Don't know if there will be a sequal. Check out my other books please!

Chapter 12, Blindsided

I stood outside the small, one story, blue house. According to Mr. Rowan, Carson would be inside. I walked up the pathway and held my breath.

I knocked on the door and stood still. Unbreathing.

The door opened and there was Carson. His blue green eyes widened when he saw me, and tears sprung silently.

He closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. "What are you doing here Ali."

I took a quick breath and stared at his face. "I know this sounds cliche but I'm sorry."

He flinched. "Ali wait-"

"No you wait!" I snapped. "I am sorry for not listening to you at my wedding, not understanding that you loved me, for being a ass, and for every other little thing I ever did. You don't deserve me at all but I want you to know that I am sorry and that if you still love me... which I don't think you do, but...."

"Ali." He sighed. "I'm married."

The little air that was left in me, left and I chocked back a silent sob. How could I not have expected this? Was I that oblivous? Did I really think he would just stay alone and never move on without me?

"Oh... well.. that's great.." I said stupidly.

He smiled sadly. "Its not great for you. I know you Ali."

"I guess I didn't know you enough Car. I never listened to what you had to say." Tears leaked down my face. "If I had maybe non of this would've happened."

"I don't wish that Ali." He snapped. "I'm happy with Luna."

"Luna?" I whispered. "My bridesmaid?"

"Yes." He said. "Thats the one."

"When did this happen?"

"I started to like her in freshman year." He said. "I wasn't over you yet but she understood that."

"Oh." I said, wiping my face.

"Car?" Someone yelled from inside the house. Car turned and a woman with bright red hair and green eyes bounded down the stairs.

She used my nickname for him.

"Who's this?" She asked. Apparently she didn't remember me.

"Its me Alessandra." I said to her. "Remember? You were in my wedding."

"Oh yeah!" She said pushing past Carson. "What are you doing here?"

"Just catching up with Car." I said.

She scrunched up her face. "Okay then. But Car sweetie you need to go to the doctors, remember?"

He sighed again. "Okay Luna. I was just going when I heard her knock."

"Can I come back later?" I asked.

"I think its better if you didn't Alessandra." Luna said and then whispered to me. "You shouldn't be here."

"I know Luna." I said. "I had no idea about you and Car."

I turned to walk down the path.

"Bye Ali." Car called out. "I love you."

"I love you to." I turned around and walked backwords. "Like a brother."

It was the best and worst moment of my life. His smile seemed sad and relieved. He was sad to see me go but happy to stop loving me and for me to finally know. I would remember this for the rest of my life. However the rest of my life turned out.

The End

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