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Allergies are getting the best of me...what about you guys?

Haha hope you enjoy the chapter! <3

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I woke to the steady beat of my head throbbing in pain and a congested nose.

Slowly I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it when my head felt as though it was pounded with a rock.

I could vaguely see that the curtains were closed but it was still too bright for the migraine that had its hold on my mind.

I sat up, rustling around my duvet covers and suddenly winced at the pain in my throat.

I was sick.

Sighing, I swung my feet off the side of the bed to meet the freezing oak flooring. My vision turned hazy for a moment as all the blood rushed from my head. I pinched the bridge of my nose between my index finger and thumb.

"Odd," I whispered to no one in particular, "The sun isn't usually this bright in the morning..." My voice trailed off in realization.

It wasn't morning -it was already noon!

I was on my feet in an instant and I was running to my dresser for a clean uniform. I threw open the drawers and shuffled around for something to wear.

I looked down at my myself -and had to double take.

I don't remember changing into this. I wore a pair of sweatpants and an oversized Scout uniform shirt.

The memory of the night before came back to me in an instant. The rain. The dancing. Eren.

I smiled at the memory but quickly frowned to realize that that was probably why I was sick.

I quickly changed into a fresh uniform and made my way to the mess hall to see where everyone was.

Loud voices stopped me dead in my tracks as I passed the Corporals office door.

"Eren! You idiot! The wedding is tomorrow-and now you got her sick?!" Hanji's shrill voice cut through the air loudly.

There was a large chorus of 'shhh's throughout the room as I quietly approached the door and pressed my ear against it.

"Be quiet," Mikasa growled, "(F/N) is still sleeping."

"What exactly were the two of you doing?" Levi asked, his voice sounding a little monotone.

I heard Eren sigh, "We were outside for most of the night-"

"Outside?!" Hanji shouted.


"Outside?!" Hanji whispered, "What the hell were you doing? It was raining-"

I knocked on the door hesitantly, interrupting Hanji's spiel.

"Name and business?" Levi groaned.

"Cadet (L/N), sir," I croaked, my voice sounding scratchy and hoarse, "I wanted to ask you something."

"Good job, Hanji." I heard Sasha mumble sarcastically.

The door swung open and I saw everyone gathered around Levi's desk. They all stared at me with a worried expression -like I might crumble at any second.

Eren started walking towards me, "(F/N) what are you doing? You should be resting."

I cleared my throat in a failed attempt to sound healthy, "Eren, I'm fine, I promise." I leaned up against the doorframe as my head suddenly burst in pain.

He stopped in front of me and I could tell he could see right past my charade. Smiling he leaned down and picked me up bridal style.

I squealed at the sudden movement, my voice cracking in the process, "Eren!"

"Excuse us, Captain." Eren said as he walked out of the office, his strong arm wrapped around my waist and the other under my knees.

"Eren-" I tried to speak, "I'm alright! I just need to be moving around for a while-"

Eren strode back down the hall and headed towards my room, "No. You don't need to do anything today, okay? Just leave it to me."

He finally reached my door and swung it open with his foot.

"That's just it really," I smiled, "Do I trust you that much to leave this wedding to you?"

"You trust me as a Scout-"

"Which are two very different things just in case you haven't noticed." I teased.

Eren set me down on the edge of my mattress and knelt down in front of me, tucking a strand of (H/L) (H/C) hair away from my face, "In sickness and in health, remember?"

"Eren-" I started, "promise me you won't let Mikasa or Hanji put anything pink in the ceremony."

Eren's face flushed of any colour, sweat forming on his brow.


"Alright. Alright." He chuckled, "I'll try my best. Now sleep." He pulled the fluffy covers around me as I laid back down and plunked my head down onto my pillow.

Eren made his way back to my door. He looked over his shoulder, "I love you, (F/N)."

For some reason my heart sank a little. It felt like he was leaving me for good -but that wasn't true -he was just letting me rest.

"I love you too, Eren." I muttered, my eyes growing heavy.

He gave me a hint of a smile before closing the door behind him. I closed my eyes and quickly drift off to sleep.

* * *

A loud boom ricocheted between my ears and my eyes flew open.

I sat up and looked around curiously.

"What was that?" I muttered.

I threw the covers back and was quickly on my feet to investigate.

I made my way to my window and slowly opened my curtains.

The sight before me made me gasp. Outside was a Titan. It seemed to be moving around with some sort of objective. He was clearly intelligent -a Titan-shifter.

I backed away from the window, letting the curtain slip through my fingers as went to turn to run out the door to warn the others-

Until someone wrapped an arm around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides. Another arm came around and pressed something soft against my mouth -covering my nose as well.

It smelt odd and immediately I began to feel my mind slowly drifting away.


I attempted to scream -but the cloth muffled any sound I tried to make. I tried thrashing against the strong arm encircling me -but it was of no use, they were strong.

The edges of my vision started to blur as tears stung my eyes.

In a panic, I tried to kick the person behind me. My feet flew up and down -until I made contact with their kneecap.

"Ah!" A feminine voice shot throughout the room and she released me.

I went stumbling forward in an attempt to catch my balance -but failed.

I went crashing into the nearest wall and landed flat on my back, knocking the remaining wind from my chloroform filled lungs.

My eyelids felt like weights as I tried to stay awake. My eyes darted frantically around the room until they made contact with a familiar sight.

Blonde hair. Icy blue eyes. A crooked nose.

The female Titan.

She stood above me with a smug grin on her face as I lay on the ground helplessly.

My eyelids suddenly closed and everything went black.

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Hope you liked it :)
See you next chapter!

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