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I think I'm going to erase When We Meet Again.

*  *  *
I burst through the Corporal's office door with a 'Bang!' and immediately slumped against the doorframe. My body pounded with adrenaline -yet I was as limp as a ragdoll. My whole body felt as though it were on fire, igniting a new spark every time I managed to take a breath. Three flights of stairs seemed like nothing. But after what I had just discovered...I'm sure that news would knock anyone off their feet.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing, you brainless brat?" I heard Levi's voice cut through the air, making me flinch.

I tried to catch my breath and turned my gaze to the back of the seemingly cramped room where three figures stood side by side. All of them surrounding a desk that was nearly spotless, with the exception of serveral papers and a large raggedy map completely covered in red and blue marker points.

Levi stepped forward, red-faced behind his desk, accompanied by a gloomy looking Erwin and Hanji. 

Still heaving, I raised my arm up and pointed back out towards the door from which I came. "It- It's (F/N). She doesn't remember," I tried to express my overflowing thoughts into words, "I mean, she can't..."

My words trailed off as the room grew cold and distant. The expression on Levi's face hardened before he started striding across the office. I could almost see the anger oozing out of his pores and down his intense face.

I straightened my posture, it was a force of habit now. I did it out of respect for my superiors...but also so his short stature couldn't get directly in my face.

Levi stopped, his shoes made an abrupt squeak. He was merely inches away from me. Levi was staring straight ahead...at my chest.

Bad idea, I thought, I'm dead.

A furious growl emerged from within him as the scowl on his features worsened. Levi's hand shot out and up, wrapping around the collar of my shirt and yanking me down to his level so our eyes met.

"So, you mean to tell me," his grip tightened and I could hear the threads in my shirt tear, "you ran all the way here, tracking mud and filth all over my floors, barging into a private meeting." A flicker of light caught in his gaze and before I could speak. He turned around, my uniform still imprisoned by his grip, and threw me over his shoulder and to the ground -hard.

My back hit the ground with a thud, followed by the cracking of several ribs. My body had completely rid itself of oxygen and I choked.

"You mean to tell me you did all of that, just to tell me something I already know?! I know (F/N) doesn't remember! I was there!"

"Wow, he really is brainless." Hanji whistled low at the situation before her.

Dazed, I gasped for nonexistent air. The substance still seemed foreign to my body and I thought I might pass put. The pain wasn't even finished registering in my mind. I was even curious as to whether or not my ribs had turned to ash or if my lungs no longer resided in my body.

Still gasping, I tried to clarify as best I could, "N-No! Let me explain." Cough. Cough. "I mean, she does remember but her memory is false."

The Captain's eyes softened, but not by much. "What the hell does that even mean?"

"Well if you let me explain,"

I was cut off by Levi's foot hovering over my head. 

"Go on and you'll end up with two black eyes and a broken skull." He smirked.

"Knock it off you two!" Hanji interrupted. She waltzed over to us and stood directly behind Levi and rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Look," She continued, "We're all under a lot of stress okay? Everyone just take a deep breath with me. Ready?"

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