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^^This song got me through this chapter. I listened to this on repeat so many times! The anime is so amazing!! <3

I rewrote this chapter, 6 times... 6 freaking times!!!! In my Create section it was labeled as 'Chapter 12 (redemption) take:6'...

No matter, I just really suck at writing in Levi's POV. His personality is hard to express into words I guess. Especially since he has just as much personality as the fake plant by my window sill...

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter and in honor of me finishing all my tests and such, I'll be posting next chapter right after this! :D

<3 Enjoy!

* * *
I sighed at the small relief that washed over me. It was over -but not completely.

The female titan is captured and Eren was passed out in Mikasa's arms -his frail figure covered in bruises and blood.

A small part of me grimaced at her. That should be (F/N) holding him like that -not his half sister. My heart sunk a little further. (F/N). Still nowhere to be seen.

I knew she was here and so did Eren. The second he stepped off the carriage I could tell by his obvious expression...however stupid it looked.

My eyes drifted across the brat's sleeping face and sighed once again.

It took five men to hold him down while we sedated him. After Annie had cocooned herself from her inevitable fate -Eren lost it. He was screaming and thrashing at the thing as though he could break it with his bare hands. Going on about how he hated the lot of her kind and demanded to know where his fiance was.

"You know-" A voice broke my thoughts, "That was quite the show your little experiment put on there."

I didn't even have time to turn around before I felt a sudden and surprising burst of pain explode through my head.

My knees buckled at the feeling and shock filled my veins.

"Levi!" Hanji squeaked.

I went flying backwards -smacking my head hard on the ground that almost the entirety of the Scouts occupied.

"Don't move." A familiar voice said coldly.

I was shocked. No one had ever been able to take me down with such ease and speed. Was I really that distracted?

I focused on the figure before me. It was a man with short dark brown hair and metallic grey eyes.

"Well hello, Corporal." He chuckled, holding up his rifle -pointing it at my head. I blinked.

The sound of metal sliding against metal ricocheted through the air as Hanji unsheathed her 3DMG blades.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Nile?" She spat, point the swords at him.

"Hanji relax-" I said, nonchalantly, looking around at the others -who were now all staring at the scene before them, "He doesn't have the guts."

"Shut up! At least I don't go around killing all the people in the Wall! This is the King's Legion! We live here! You knew that this would happen you sonuvabitch!" Nile grimaced as he pointed behind me. At the destruction. The rubble that was once called Wall Sina.

"He wasn't the one who did this." An annoyingly stoic voice echoed from behind me.

"Erwin." Nile growled through gritted teeth, shifting his rifle point at the commander, "I should've known -but you know what they say. The puppet master doesn't stray far from his puppets."

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