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Before we start this...I would like to rant.

Two days ago I had spent most of the day writing this chapter. I wrote, edited and so on. Hours upon hours making this chapter the best it could be.

11pm rolls around and I decide that I was going to take a break. Chapter 15 was practically done and ready to post. I spent the entire freaking day writing this chapter!!
And guess what?

I log back on...

No Chapter 15....

What!?!?! It's gone!! Are you sweet and sour chicken kiddin' me?!

So...nearly 3000 words down the drain, so I apologize if this chapter isn't up to standards.

On a brighter note. I hope you enjoy the chapter :)


* * *
The soothing sensation of a hand brushing a strand of (H/L) (H/C) hair away from my face was what caused me to wake. I kept my eyes shut as I turned my head slightly in an effort to ease the pain that had accumulated in my neck.

A sudden intake of breath sounded beside me and -in turn making me tense, bringing me to my senses.

Where am I? What am I doing here? Who-...who was next to me?

My stomach dropped at the thought and reality struck me square in the chest.

Annie. Military Police. Torture...


My nerves were instantly set on fire as curiosity itched its way into my system and my (E/C) eyes fluttered open.

I gasped as my eyes slowly focused on the face in front of me. Brown hair. Small nose. Cold and tired eyes.

As if by instinct -or rather force of habit, I shot straight upwards.

Only one word registered in my mind.


My head exploded in pain, as did what remained of my fractured rib cage.

A scream hitched in my throat and tears stung my eyes as the pain intensified all over my body.

In that moment I felt a pair of arms around me -trying to hold me in place.


I screamed at the presence and thrashed my arms about, in an attempt to escape.

It was William. I know it is.

"Let go of me! Why don't you just kill me already?! Annie! Help!!" I could hear the strain in my voice as another cry for help filled my lungs and the fear sunk into me.

A pair of strong hands wrapped around my wrists painfully. I tried to rip them away -but it was no use. I was too weak and frail compared to his death grip.

My chest felt heavy and my head began to spin at the thought of enduring another day of endless pain and suffering -all for the sake of some Military Police experiment bullshit. I could feel my breaths becoming shorter and quicker as I struggled against Will.

The sight before me was nothing but a blur as my eyes frantically shifted back and forth. I couldn't breathe. It felt as though I were slowly suffocating. And a part of me wished that I was -any death would be better than going through another day filled with scalpels and needles...

"(F/N)!" I heard him shout.

"No-!" I cried, yanking my right hand free of his grasp and swinging it up and forward with all my strength.

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