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* * *
The world around me seemed to constantly swim in and out of focus. It felt as though my mind and body were trapped in an endless loop -going around and around, again and again. The feeling could simply be left at that I suppose. Essentially it was -...indescribable.

Not necessarily a bad feeling -however not really one that I would like to spend a lot of time in... Was this death? Is this all that awaits me after the loss of my earthy body?

The sudden sound of mumbling interrupted my inner thoughts.

Voices. Were those voices?

The sound continued -growing a little louder and clearer with each passing moment.

I felt an abrupt sense of tension in my hand -as if...as if someone were holding it. A feeling of comfort enveloped me and I welcomed it.

The pressure in my head lifted ever so slightly and the sound of mumbles became a little clearer -but still sounded as though it were coming from underwater. Even so, I could vaguely make out something that surprised me for some reason.

The sound wasn't a multitude of voices...but only one.

It sounded deep, masculine and... sad.

Who did it belong to? It sounds so eerily familiar...yet it doesn't.

A sigh cut my thoughts in half as I strained to listen more intently.

"Hanji and the others keep urging me to talk to you. They say that the last person who was in...this state, was able to hear the voices around as they slept...and that it gave them something to hold onto when they could finally open their eyes."

There was a pause as the sound of sniffling echoed in my ears.

The voice sighed before saying, "The doctors say that over time you'll heal and eventually wake up...eventually. That's the part that gets me...it's so unsure."

He chuckled a little bit, "And then there's Hanji. She keeps coming in here and tries to wiggle feathers under your nose thinking that it'll wake you up -or keeps bringing in the roses that lay just beyond the forest because she knows that-" I could hear the strain in his voice as he choked up, "She knows that they're your favourite."

His hand tightened in mine, "There are no words to describe the way that I feel as of right now...nor do I want to find them. All I can think of when I see you is how every broken bone, every cut, every scar, and bruise that adorn your beautiful features are my fault. I don't know how you'll forgive me -if you'll ever forgive me...but until I can apologize for everything that's happened and then some I will never leave your side ever again."

The voice broke off before it was overtaken by sobs.

Time passed by and I found that the calming voice that I clung to so dearly faded in and out. It was as if my brain would flip a switch -I was either totally out of it -or I could hear a pin drop from a mile away.

I didn't know how long it had been -days, hours, minutes, seconds. I had lost all perception of time before I finally managed to hear that voice again.

"Everyone is doing their best to comfort me -to try and reassure me that you'll be okay. But they don't know. They don't know that this is all my fault! If I had never snuck into your room that night and woken you up...you would've never gotten sick and I wouldn't have left you..."

The silence that remained was excruciating. I wanted to yell -scream -just to say something worthwhile...but I couldn't.

Everything that he was telling me felt important. So why can't I remember who he was?

"Please," he continued, his hands grasping mine, "please wake up. Open your eyes. I don't care what the reason is! To tell me you love me -to tell me you hate me or to yell at me for not buying the right flowers for our wedding ceremony! Just come back! I can't bear to see you like this anymore. I'm here -I promise I'll be right here when you wake up and I'll never leave again."

And that was all I heard -or rather the last thing I heard before the darkness claimed me as its own -swallowing me into oblivion at the sound of the voice I had grown to love and treasure...and then wiping my mind blank once again.

* * *
Such a short chapter! I'm sorry! Hopefully the next one is better lol :)

Thanks and hope you enjoyed!

See you next chapter??


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