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I feel as though I'm rushing the story...Am I? Is this interesting? I would love to see your thoughts in the comments :)

Thanks! Enjoy! <3

* * *
The new Special Ops Squad and a few others sat gathered around a large rectangular table. Everyone looked shocked and worried at what they had just heard.

"What would Annie want with (F/N)?" Sasha asked, holding a packet of ice to her bruised forehead.

Everyone looked to me as if I was responsible for answering. I shrugged, "I don't know -the only time (F/N) has 'met' Annie was in Trost, but even so, how would she know who (F/N)'s true identity was?"

"Isn't it obvious brat?" Levi sipped his tea, (or at least what was thought to be tea), "Word gets around. Eren, the Titan shifter and (F/N), another Titan shifter are getting married. It's to get under your skin."

I slowly felt my face getting redder and angrier, "There must be some other reason..."

Everyone was silent.

"What about that other Titan-shifter?" Mikasa asked.

"What about him?" Jean asked, clearing sounding irritated.

Mikasa gave Jean a sideways look before meeting my eyes, "You know what I mean, right Eren? Doesn't he look like-"

"Her father." I finished, my eyes widening in realization.

The Titan was to draw everyone away from (F/N) so that a Annie could -

"It was a distraction!" I shouted, swiping my arm across the table -knocking everything off of it and onto the floor angrily, "And now (F/N) is gone!"

"Eren-" Sasha looked at me empathetically, "calm down."

Anger boiled up within me as the words left her mouth, "How can you be calm about this!? She's gone!"

I saw Sasha flinch at my words and I immediately regretted them. I felt my gaze soften, "Sasha-I'm sorry."

"Eren," Levi mumbled, "we'll get her back. Okay? I give you my word."

"This is all my fault," I took a deep breath, running my hands through my brown hair, "I shouldn't have left her alone -I should've-"

"Enough." Armin said, "There was nothing you could've done, Eren -and guilting yourself about it isn't going to do anything."

My hands began to sweat at the thought of (F/N) being alone and scared when something impulsive came over me.

"I'm going to go get her."

* * *
"Ha! Don't make me laugh!" The mysterious male snickered, "That old man you called a 'father' has been dead for years now."

I gritted my teeth and glared at the man, "Then who are you? I don't understand."

He smiled at me long ways, "What is there to understand (F/N)? Your father is dead -I made sure of that in Wall Sina almost three years ago."

The words that left his mouth made my blood boil, "You're lying!" I thrashed against the restraints, "My father died eight years ago in Wall Maria when I was ten!"

The man who resembled my loved one, smiled devilishly-leaning towards me, "That's what he wanted you to think- Don't you see?" He leaned in a little further -far enough to where I could smell his breath, "Your father survived the attack on Wall Maria and fled to Wall Sina -where he thought he would one day expect to see you there."

The word rung in my mind. Survived.

The man backed away, "But! Instead of you -he found me." He smiled, "Let's just say that it was an unfortunate coincidence on his part."

"And what do you have to do with my father?" I spat.

His eyes widened at this -until he broke into a fit of laughter, "Do you hear that Annie? Haha! She has no idea!"

* * *
"No." Levi said, slamming his teacup down, causing everyone at the table to jump, "You're not going anywhere until we figure this out."

"No?" Hanji asked, "No!? Levi, I don't know what's in your tea -but in case you haven't noticed (F/N) has been kidnapped by her own father!"

Levi shook his head, "That wasn't (F/N)'s father."

Hanji seemed taken aback, "Oh?"

Levi frowned, "His dead body was found almost three years ago. It was a suicide if I remember correctly -but I thought otherwise. A highly ranked officer in the Scouts goes missing after the attack on Maria and then his dead body suddenly shows up in Wall Sina just to take his own life while his daughter was still out there."

"You knew (F/N)'s father?" Mikasa asked, almost surprised.

Levi rolled his eyes, "Of course I did. I was on Squad after all."

"You were on Captain (L/N)'s squad?!" Armin squealed.

"That poor soul." Mikasa chimed in, causing her to get a glare from the Corporal.

"But that still doesn't explain how Annie and the other Titan shifter have to do with this..." I said, trying to keep my temper.

"Eren- just because the Titan looks similar to (F/N)'s father doesn't mean-" Jean said before he was cut off by Levi abruptly standing, making his wooden chair screech along to floor.

"What is it, shorty?" Hanji asked, her glasses fogging up a little.

He ran his hands through his hair quickly. I saw that beads of sweat were beginning to form on his brow as he paced back and forth repeating -no no no no no.

Hanji stood up and walked over to the Captain, placing a hand on his arm.

"(Dad's/Name)(D/N) you fool." He said.

My eyebrows moved towards one another and my eyes narrowed, "Captain?"

Levi sighed, "I told him not to do it..." He sighed, "(D/N) and his wife were both apart of the Scouts before they had (F/N). I told them that if they had a child while still maintaining their role as Squad leaders that they would be discharged.

"They came to me and told me that they were going to have a child." He finished.

"Which was (F/N)-" I tried to say.

Levi shook his head, "No. (F/N) was born almost two year after this. They came to me because they wanted to stay in the Corp., but still be able to take care of their son..."

My head began to spin and I fell back in my seat with a thud. "Their...son?"

"And what happened?" Jean asked, sounding just as shocked.

"Well nine months later -after (F/N)'s mother had a training accident." Levi bowed his head, "Their son was pronounced still-born."

* * *
"Our father was indeed a wise man at times, (F/N)." The man snickered in my face, "But not smart enough stay away from me."


"Oh!" He said, "How rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself yet. My name is William (L/N), son of (D/N) and (Mother's/Name)(M/N) (L/N)."

My eyes became wide and my brain flooded with questions as he turned on his heel and delicately picked up some sort of metal utensil.

"Welcome to hell, little sister."

* * *

I'm quite liking all of these cliffhangers >-> hehehe.
Hope you're enjoying this so far.

Will I see you next chapter?

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