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Tears blurred my vision as I continued to run up and down the grass adorned hills that made my heart ache at the memories it brought me.


I guess the only one who can cherish these moments is me, since (F/N) no longer can.

My feet stopped moving and my knees instantly gave way.

"(F/N)..." her precious name rolled off my tongue like water.

My head was so jam packed with questions that all I could manage to do was sit motionless on the dying grass beneath me.

She doesn't remember.

All the times we spent laughing at stupid jokes. All the times she would steal my food in the mess hall. The times we would sit here in this very valley and simply talk.

To her... their all gone.

Slowly, I reached into my jacket pocket and grasp the metallic object that lay there.

I sighed as the faint sound of metal sliding against metal found its way to my ears.

I lifted my hand and stared at the golden locket that laid in my palm.

(F/N)'s locket.

When she collapsed a week ago at Wall Sina I noticed that her ring was still snug on her finger -but she hadn't been wearing her necklace.

It meant everything to her. She cherished it more than anything --maybe even me.

So when I saw it was missing, I was determined to find it.

As if by instinct, I had looked over at the man who claimed relation to her and sighed in relief as the shimmer of metal glistened on his neck.

The sight only angered me. He had taken everything away from her. Her life. Her family. Even herself.

I had walked over to his still corpse.

Everything from that point on was more or less a blur after I tore the precious jewelry from his neck.

I cringed at the thought and forced myself to put an end to my reminiscing. What came after was gruesome -at least so I've been told by Mikasa. I felt horrible.

"I figured you'd be here." A bland voice said, "Sulking --as per usual."

I didn't say anything. I simply stared intently at the seemingly endless mileage of greens.

He stepped in front of me, a low whistle through his teeth as he chuckled, "She got you good. That's quite the shiner you have there."

I shrugged, "I guess I deserve it. For all that (F/N)'s been through I wasn't all that surprised when she hit me."

Levi sighed angrily, "You got what you wanted didn't you?"

I couldn't help but scoff at his words. I regained control of my legs and stood --a little more aggressively than intended.

"You think I asked for this?! You think I asked for the love of my life to suffer? Now she doesn't even remember who she is! How much she has done to help humanity!" I dangerously raised my voice at him.

His demeanor was calmer than I had expected it to be. His expression changed slightly, a flicker of sadness -then it was gone.

"You asked that she wake up. Considering the hell she's been through -I'd say that it's a miracle she even had the will to open her eyes again." He breathed, stepping closer to me.

I was speechless.

Levi raised an eyebrow at me, "Am I wrong?"

My expression faded from blind anger to a scowl, "How the hell are you so calm about this?"

The Captain mimicked my face, "I think calm is an understatement. How the hell can you be so selfish?"

His words felt like a slap to the face.

"Your fiance has just woken up from being shot and tortured and you're out here moping on your ass about how sad and pathetic your life is because she doesn't remember you." Levi's hands shot out so fast that I barely registered them as he wrapped his hands around the collar on my uniform top and yanked me up and close to his face -or rather down.

"You need to smarten up, brat. Enough hiding -she needs you. She's been there for you from the moment she found out you were alive!" He shook me, "Now when she's the one in need, you cower off like some spoiled crybaby who is too selfish to see anything besides what you want."

My hands reached for his and I shoved them away, my blood beginning to boil, "I'm not selfish! I'm angry!!"

Levi backed off, "Then prove it," He took a step back and opened his arms so they were parallel to the ground, "Go ahead."

I blinked, "You're joking, right?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" His expression remained cold.

I slowly felt my eyebrows net together as my hands clenched into fists.

I felt hesitant about it at first -but the more I thought about it, the more it intrigued me.

"Go ahead." Was all he said before my fist hurled at his face.

He dodged it with ease, "Why are you angry?"

I whirled towards him and swung with all my might once again, "Because I want to help her and I can't!"

My other arm came around and punched the Captain in the side -but he didn't budge.

"Why else?!" He yelled.

"That nothing goes as planned -that everything I do seems to affect her in a negative way!"

He spun away from me, "You can do better than that, brat!"

"Because I'll only become a burden of I tell her the truth! -that the love of my life doesn't even know who I am!"

I rounded up for another swing -but to no avail- Levi was quicker.

He had grabbed my other arm -pushing me backwards, tripping up my legs in the process and landing flat onto the ground, completely knocking the wind from my lungs.

I gasped before working myself into a coughing fit in the dirt.

"You won't get anywhere in life if you hide from it or from her. And judging by the look on her face when you ran out -you had made a great first impression." Levi sounded nonchalant.

I sighed in defeat, clouds of dust billowing around me.

Levi walked closer to me, his body towering over mine.

My eyes narrowed. Maybe that's why he prefers to knock people down, I thought, he looks so tall.

"This is an order, cadet. Get up off you ass and go to (F/N)...before Hanji scares her to death." He said, before turning on his heel and began to stride back towards headquarters.

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This was super duper quick! This is what happens when I bored in math class.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next time?

Hopefully I can post the next chapter soon!


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