The Phone call

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As I walk home from Marks I smile and think about how Mark and Aaron laughed as I was failing at the gmod game. Mark is really funny and has a golden voice. I smile as I enter my house to see that my phone is ringing. I wonder who it is. "Hello?" I ask. "Hi Chelsea! Its you know who and I need to see you at the Park pronto. Its really important. See you there! BYE!" And hangs up. Who was that? I am mildly startled but I hop on my bike locj the doir grab the key and my phone. As i pedal down the road I finally get to the Park and I see... Wade?!

So sorry for the short chapter guys I am having a sleepover w/ Chloe aka theredviolin And I am TIIIRED!! I am updating trannsfered and captured and loved. I love you all Bye! MWAH! :D

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