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Laurens POV

Me and Liam decided today that we would go out for lunch. It's our 4 year anniversary tomorrow and I wish he would propose soon. 4 years of dating is a lot. I have high hopes he will soon. Liam is taking his shower right now and I need to take one too.

"Li bear come on! You are taking forever and I want to shower." I whine as I knock on the bathroom door. He has never let me go in any room while he is naked. I just don't know why! No reply.

"Are you ok?! You usually take 5 minute showers not 15 minute ones. Sorry I mean 16 minute showers!" I call to him. Ok that's it. He hasn't said anything to me yet.

"That's it. I am coming in there!" I yell as I grab the door knob. I turn it and push. I don't hear him scream.

"Li?" I ask. I walk over to the curtain and tap on it. I don't hear anything at all. Something isn't right! I pull the curtain open and see him. Lying in the tub motionless, bloody and pale. I see the window is open.

"LIAM! NOOO!" I scream and drop down to my knees. I start sobbing and screaming his name. I turn the shower off and run to the phone. I quickly diall 9-1-1 and run back to the bathroom.

"9-1-1. What's your emergency?" A lady asks.

"I just went to take a shower and saw my boyfriend lying in the tub with the water still running. A window in the bathroom was open too." I cry.

"Ok. We will be over soon. Where do you live?"

"123 Happy Street." I tell her. ((btw that is made up. Idk what to write lol))

"Ok thank you ma'am." She tells me and hang up. I call Chelsea and she picks up instantly.


"LIAM IS DEAD CHEL! SOMEONE FUCKING MURDERED MY LI BEAR!!!" I scream. Tears rolling down my cheeks. My eyes burn.

"OH MY GO- OW!!!"

"W-what's wrong?"

"I may have appendicitis. I am in the hospital with Mark."

"Sorry dude! But I cannot believe that Liam is fucking dead. In our shower the day before our four year anniversary!" I tell her.

"Oh Lauren! I wish I could come over but. I can't. I am in the hospital getting tested. Stay strong Lauren. Pretend I am hugging you so tightly right now! Bye Lauren. I got to go." She tells me softly. This is the type of friend you need.

"Bye!" I hang up and hear sirens. I run downstairs and open the door. Police come in and I point upstairs. They run upstairs and I follow behind.

"Where is he?" A man asks. I motion them to follow and point to the bathroom. Honestly. What have I done wrong?!


YAAAY! UPDATE! Sorry lauren. I had to. :( Ok I have to go to bed guys. I need to think of ideas and need to edit this story BADLY! Or do I? Please comment below if you think I should edit and vote if not. Or just vote if u want. Luv u guys! Oh and 10 votes and 5 comments for an update. I want to start goals for you guys!

-Chelsiplier xoxo KCALMAWW (keepcalmandlovemarkiplierandwilfredwarfstache)

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