Let Me Go [Shed A Tear Sequel]

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Ella P.O.V

I sat on the hospital bed in between my parents for the sixth day out of the week. I told Logan not to wait up for me anymore that Im going to stay here as long as possible. My dad turned on the t.v.

"Now Harry, we all understand that you were in a love triangle." The interviewer said.

"Yes. I was. With my best friend and first love Ella and my girlfriend Brittany." he said playing with his fingers.

"And you proposed to your girlfriend Brittany at your concert the day after the huge premiere embarrassment." the interviewer continued.

"Yes, and it wasn't an embarrassment." Harry said as his cheeks flushed red.

"Well, you sure did embarrass Ella by handing her a teddy bear and causing her to leave crying." The interviewer said holding up a picture.

"I didn't mean to." Harry said.

"But you did." The interviewer said.

I watched Harry leave the stage. I turned off the t.v. I hopped off the bed.

"Ella, sweetie, go home... We're fine." My mum said.

"And not home here in Cheshire with Logan." My dad said.

I sighed. I guess what i had to do was go back to Eleanor. I walked to hug my mom.

"Dont run from your problems." she whispered in my ear.

I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and left. I called Eleanor.

"Ella!!!" She shouted.

"Its so good to hear your voice." I said trying not to cry.

"Oh darling, the house is so empty but your clothes are still here and all the boys are worried sick about you because you havent called or anything since you left." She said sounding as if she was crying.

"Im going back.... It won't be empty anymore..." i said.

"Really?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah, and i'm bringing a friend." i said and hung up.

I waved a taxi and went to Logan's house. I opened the door to catch him by surprise.

"Hey Cinderella." he said.

"We're moving to London. Well, you are... I already have a house there." I said.

Logan raised his eyebrows.

"Come on Logan, just pack and trust me." I said.

He sighed and ran upstairs. My phone rang.

"Hello?" i said.

"Ella.." the voice said sounding as if they were crying.

"Yes?" i questioned.

"I know you told me to let you go... but I can't." he said.

It was Harry. My heart stopped.

"Ella... I love you. Im only marrying her because I have to." Harry said.

"Do you really have to?" I said a bit annoyed.

I hung up the phone and plopped myself down on the sofa. I have another long year ahead of me.



I can't believe i'm actually writing part two to Shed a tear. I never thought that i would do it but i don't think it should end yet right? So will Harry see Ella? Will Brittany and Logan see eachother? Who knows??

Let Me Go [Shed A Tear Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now