Chapter 3: Ella whats wrong with you?

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Harry P.O.V

I opened the door to see Brittany hand in hand with Logan. I raised my eyebrow but moved aside to let them in. I followed them into the living room. Ella was sitting down looking through magazines. She looked up.

"LOGAN!" She screamed jumping up and into his arms.

I felt jealous. He gets all the attention now.

"Harry..." Brittany said smiling.

I looked at her. She looked guilty. She smiled again coming close to me.

"Logan is in love with Ella. I think we switched our destiny." She whispered against my lip.

I looked passed her and noticed Logan kissing Ella. She wasn't refusing either. I coughed causing them to pull apart. Logan rubbed the back of his neck. Ella's cheeks were red.

"How about we all go out to eat? Forget breakfast, it's three in the afternoon" I suggested.

"But i..." Ella began to say.

"You will enjoy it, double date, the four best friends back in action." I said walking to Louis and Eleanor's room.

He wouldn't mind if I borrowed an outfit... right?

Ella P.O.V

Why was Harry doing this? Why did Logan kiss me? I walked to my room and slammed the door. I grabbed a pair of denim high waist jeans, a red crop top and my sneakers. I wet my hair a little with a spray bottle and ran my fingers through. I gently put red lipstick on my lips and mascara. I guess I was good to go. I walked to my door.

"Will they fall for this?" I heard Logan ask.

"Yes. They cant know whats going on." Brittany replied.

"But... you're getting married." Logan said.

"Its just to help him out. Everyone knows Ella isn't right." Brittany said.

"I know.. but i think I might f-" Logan began to say but got interrupted by the footsteps of Harry.

I opened my door to meet six eyes staring at me. Harry smirked.

"Can we go?" I said walking to the door.

Logan and Brittany walked out ahead of me. They sat in the car. I looked at Harry. He motioned for me to close the door. I raised an eyebrow but agreed.

"I cant believe she doesn't love me." He said.

"She always loved Logan." I said.

"Not her... you." He said meeting my eyes.

I walked up to him. I wasn't going to fall for this, not again.

"Let Me Go... Just do it." I said placing my hand on his cheek.

He put his hand on my waist and pulled me close.

"Whats life without you?" He said.

"Better. But here's something... If you love something... let it go... if it comes back, it was always yours in the first place." I said wiggling out of his grip.

I walked to the car. I slid in the back seat next to Logan.

"Harry come on." Brittany shouted.

Harry jogged to the car and slid in. Brittany began to drive. The ride was silent. The only interruption was the roaring engine. Everything felt out of place. We slowly approached what looked like a deserted restaurant. Harry got out and opened my door. I stepped out. Brittany and Logan stood next to us. Logan grabbed my waist.

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