Chapter 6: Reality

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Ella P.O.V

Harry has not removed his eyes off of me. It is quite creepy.

"Ella, darling, why are you alone?" Brittany asked blocking my view.

"Because I refuse to be the girl that is somber and ruins her friends fun." I snapped.

"Come with me to change my outfit darling?" she asked.

"Why me?" I questioned.

"It's only on the other side of the boat, and you're the only free one." she said.

I followed her to the other side. it was empty. The moon reflected off of the water. Two girls appeared.

"I thought you couldn't find anyone." I said.

"I lied." she responded laughing.

The two girls sat me in a chair while Brittany tied me up. I tried to scream for help but tape covered my mouth.

" What are you doing?" Harry yelled.

"Getting rid of a problem, you said you didn't care about her." she snapped.

"I don't but that doesn't mean tie her up." he said.

The girls untied me up and lifted me up by my arms and legs.

"You're right." Brittany said.

I felt myself drop. My body was repressed by the Icy water. I was numb. I renounced the ability to try to save myself. I slowly closed my eyes as the oxygen left my body.

Harry P.O.V

" How dare you!" I screamed.

Brittany smirked.

" Save her yourself." she said walking off.

Louis was right. I made a big mistake. I jumped in the water. It was freezing. I was phlegmatic in the water. I searched.

"Ella!!" I screamed.

I searched for the love of my life. I went under. I found her. She looked lifeless. With all my strength, I carried her to shore. I pumped her chest. I breathed in her mouth.

"Please Ella, I'm so sorry.." I pleaded.

She coughed. Her eyes opened.

"H-harry.." she slowly said.

"I'm here. I'm so sorry." I said.

"I knew you would come." she said snuggling closer to me.

I carried her to where the boat was. She made me release her. We walked back on the boat. I'm bonded to a woman that is nuts and the woman I love is getting hurt. I have to let Ella go.


Ella P.O.V

I sit here laying in bed. I can't believe that's what my dream was. I can't believe it was Harry. Is this the beginning of us or the end? I look at all the tweets about his congratulations to marrying his devil. I close my eyes and sleep. That's all I'm good for right now anyway.



I wrote two shitty chapters to fill in for the last chapter that shall be coming. a sequel shouldn't linger on long.

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