Chapter 10: Forever

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Harry P.O.V

I'm in front of her house. We have to talk. I gently knock. Her mother opens with a wide smile. I walk in to a yoga session. Gemma, Eleanor and Ella are all on a mat eating chips watching the instructor on television.

"I don't think that's how it goes." I hear Louis say from the stairs.

" Right." I said. All eyes were on me.

" Hey, guys how about we go to the mall." Gemma said.

"Except for Ella and Harry." Ella's mom said.

I looked at her wide eyed. She smiled.

" So they'll be left alone in the house?" Eleanor asked.

Mrs. Jones nodded. She grabbed her car keys and took everyone with her. The tension in the room grew. It was silent. Ella looked everywhere but at me.

" Want to sit outside?" I asked.

" Sure..." she said.

We sat in front of her house. The cold September air brushed passed us. I remember sitting like this on the first day of school with her. Her long brown hair still touches the front step that we sit on. She stood up and walked to the side walk.

"You okay?" I asked following.

" Yeah, I'm fine.." she said looking at the street.

"I never seen so many cars here." I said trying to get her to talk.

"I know." she said.

" Ella..." I said.

" Harry I don't have time for your games." she abruptly said.

" Nobody told you to be a slut." I said.

She didn't say anything. I walked next to her.

"I hope you die." she said looking me in my eyes.

Ella P.O.V

I hate him so much. He should just get out of my life!

"Too bad bitch!" he said.

He backed up into the street to go home. My heart shattered. Ambulances came and took him. I cried on my porch. I hope he's okay. That's all I want.


Nobody has come home yet. The hospital is only a couple blocks away. I could walk just to make sure he's okay. I started walking. I can't get over this. Its my fault. I walk into the hospital.

"Harry Styles." I said.

"He's in room 201 but you can't go in." she said.

I didn't care. I went up the stairs to the second floor. I went into his room. His eyes were closed. He had a slow heart beat. I sat next to him.

"Harry..." I said.

No answer.

"Harry....." I said closer to his face.

No response.

" Harry, i'm sorry. I don't know if you can hear me. I love you Harry. I don't want you to die. Our baby hasn't even met you yet. What am I going to tell him or her? Their father was a successful man that died because of me?" I cried.

His hand touches my face.

" Don't cry princess." he slowly said.

My heart stopped hurting.

"Cinderella, I... I never m-meant anything I said. I love you. You were always by my side. I t-treated you bad b-b-but y-your st-still here. I'm s-s-s-sorry it's taking me s-so long to t-tell you this. We're going to b-be g-great parents to D-Darcy or H-Harry junior." he said.

I faced his face to mine. I kissed his lips slowly. I pulled away but he pulled me back. My tears dripped on his face.

" Don't cry princess, I lo-" he tried to say.

The monitor beep. His heart beat went flat.

"Harry!!" I screamed.

I shook him.

"Harry, come on! You're stronger than this!" I cried

"Harry come on please." I weakly said.

I hugged his lifeless body. My prince is gone. He's gone forever. I cried on his chest.


"Millions around the world are lighting candles this evening to sympathize with families and friends of One Direction's Band member Harry Styles. He died tonight in a hospital bed after a car hit him." the news reporter said.

I was in my room. Everyone called for me. Everyone checked on me. Nobody knows how I feel. Not even Anne. His funeral is next week. I have to speak. Harry, I know you're watching me. I love you.


His face. Lifeless. His lips. Colorless. His dimples. Gone. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"This is all a dream... we're still kids running around playing. I'll wake up and you'll be in my backyard with me looking at the stars." I said to what was him.

My tears ran down my face. Anne called to me. This means I have to speak.

"Harry Edward Styles." I began to say.

"My best friend, lover, enemy, and most of all my angel. He was so cheerful and made everyone smile. I'm so happy I was able to be with him. I know he would be happy that everyone showed up. He cared for everyone." I said trying to hold back tears.

Anne was crying and Gemma had to leave to cry out loud.

" I know that he would've been a great father. He was successful and he would thank the boys for a wonderful time he had. I know he would thank Brittany for being by his side although they were never in love like she is with Logan." I said.

The whole room was in tears. I looked at his picture. My tears fell.

" Forever in our memories Styles... that's all you are now, an angel in our memories." I said crying.

I got off the microphone. I walked outside to thousands of fans.

" He loved you all dearly. He appreciates you being here." I said.

Their loud cries hurt me. They sounded broken and lost. They started singing in his memory. I will forever love you styles.

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