Chapter 2: Harry, Mom & Thoughts

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Harry P.O.V

I sat on the sofa waiting for Ella to come out and say she forgives me. Was she really going to make me sleep on the couch? I don't know if i should just leave. I walked to the kitchen and poured water. I'll just knock on her door and use the water as an excuse. I knocked on the door. She opened the door.

"I came to give you water." I said.

"Mom, hold on." She said.

"Thank you Harry but I don't need water." She said.

She slowly went to close the door. I stopped her. She rolled her eyes.

"Mom no you can not speak to him." She said.

Ella sighed. She passed me the phone.

"Hello?" I said leaning on the door frame.

"Harry, darling, its been a while since i've seen you or even spoke to you." her mom said.

"I know. I honestly miss you, you were my second mother." I said thinking back to the past.

"I always knew you would make it. I just wish i would of seen it all happen, What i don't understand is why does Ella refuse to have interactions with you?" She said.

"I would never know.. but.." I said walking to the living room.

"Im in love with her and she doesn't seem to accept it." I continued.

Ella stepped out her room to hear better.

"I've always known that but you're marrying brittany, and I know why, but help Ella understand why." She said.

I thought about it. Ella snatched the phone out my hand and ran in her room. I sat on the sofa. I laid down and close my eyes. I have to move the wedding date up.

Ella P.O.V

"Mom, i will not talk to him." I said squeezing my hand into a fist.

"Why?" She asked.

"He Hurt Me." I said holding back tears.

"I'll call you in the morning sweetheart, sorry I hurt you. I love you Ella." She said.

"I love you too mom." I said.

I placed my phone on the night table. I flipped off the light. I laid on my bed and looked into the darkness. I have been sleeping alone for some time now but i feel empty. I sat up in the darkness. My mind began to make images that frightened me appear. every scary movie possible ran through my head. I felt like it was the last moment of my life. I jumped off my bed to the door. Whatever is under the bed can not get me now. I opened the door. Harry was asleep on the couch. I walked to him.

"Harry.." I whispered gently shaking him.

I know i'm doing the worst thing possible but I need him.

"Hmm"" He said rubbing his eyes.

"C-can I sleep with you?" I asked.

He raised his eyebrow but moved back. I turned off the light and laid facing him. His eyes were still shining. He put his arm around my waist. I brushed the curls off his forehead. He pulled me closer to his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Im doing this again. I placed my head in the crook of his neck.

"Why?" He sleepily asked.

"Im scared.." i whispered against his neck.

He stroked my hair. I slowly fell asleep.

Harry P.O.V

I dont know what changed her mind but i could care less. She was beautiful. When she was with Logan earlier, my heart broke a little bit. They could be together and hide it and I shouldnt care... right? Wrong. She's been the girl i loved since we met. But things and people Change... She changed. I felt her shiver. I pulled her closer to me so our body heat could warm her up. She shivered again. I slowly moved and opened her room door. I picked her up and carried her inside. I laid her down and covered her. I went to walk out the room.

"Dont leave me." Ella said sitting up.

I Looked at her. She looked like a scared little girl. I sighed and closed the door. I laid next to her. She put her head on my chest. She squeezed me tight and fell back to sleep. She was gorgeous and mine for the night.

Ella P.O.V

"They look so cute." Someone tried to whisper.

"I knew they couldnt resist." Someone else said.

I knew it was Louis and Eleanor.

"Tweet it BooBear." Eleanor squealed.

I heard a snap and shot my head up. Louis and Eleanor stood in the doorway surprised. I realized I was sleeping on Harry's bare chest. Louis took another picture.

"LOUIS!" I screamed waking Harry up.

I tried to crawl out the bed but Harry stopped me.

"Chill out Ella." He said in a raspy tone.

I sighed. Louis stuck his tongue out and Eleanor laughed. My phone buzzed. I looked. It was full of tweet notifications. I removed Harry from me and jumped onto Louis.

"Its just a picture..." Eleanor whispered.

Harry's phone rang.

"Hello?" He said rubbing his eyes.

I kept hitting Louis.

"Brit, Hold On, What?" He said getting up.

He looked so hot. No Ella, He's out your life as that type of guy, just friends you are, just fucking friends.

"We can talk about it. Bye." He said hanging up his phone.

He ruffled his hair.. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. I moved away.

"Breakfast is on the table, Louis and I are going shopping." Eleanor said.

We watched them leave. I looked at Harry. He had his hands behind his back. We stood there quietly for a long time. His emerald eyes were shining. A knock on the door interrupted the moment. Harry walked to open the door. His legs were better than mine and the way his back was structured was explainable. I cant let these feelings reappear but i have no control.

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