Chapter 4: Honesty and Confusion

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Harry P.O.V

Watching Ella kiss someone else was agonizing. What was it about her that made me chase her? If this is her reprisal for all I put her through, then I do not want to see the end of this revenge. I love her but I love Brit. I looked at the tux. It was mocking me.

"Harry, we have twelve hours until we are officially Mr. and Mrs. Styles." Brittany said.

I nodded. I laid down. The mates will probably congratulate me for making the biggest mistake ever. My phone vibrated.

Congrats Hazza -Ella

I felt my heart break. She was the first to say it. Is she over me? Why am I having second thoughts? I thought I forgot about Ella. She's annoying, mean, selfish, hateful and truculent. It's crazy because she is also the one I love. I slowly got out of bed.

Ella P.O.V

As I lay here tonight, I shall realize he is moving on. He deserves her but she does not deserve him. As the light shines into my room, I sit in the dark awaiting the morning to watch him say I do to her. As his voice plays in my head, I allow the tears to show how lamentable I feel after I told him to let me go. If I could start all over and redress our situation differently, I would. I coveted Harry but Brittany had him. I heard knocking at the front door.

"Who can be knocking at three in the morning?" I said getting up.

I walked to the door and put my hand on the door knob. I slowly opened. I looked up to see who it was. All I felt was lips pressed against mine. I pulled away. I was crestfallen to see Logan. I thought I told him to leave me alone. We are just friends.

"I guess we have to be together Cinderella." He said.

I automatically knew he was drunk. I walked him to the sofa. I got up to make him tea.

"I do not know why she chooses Harry." Logan said.

I handed him tea. He drank slowly.

"Thank you Cinderella." He said laying down.

I looked at my phone. Three missed calls. I walked to the kitchen and called the number back.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Ella, please open your door." the voice said.

A cold breeze skulked down my spine. I walked towards the door. I opened it. Harry embraced me. His eyes met Logan. I did not want to be implicated in their quarrel.

"Congratulations Harry." Logan said.

Harry smiled. Wait whats going on?

"I just came to tell Ella that I can't wait for her to see me get married tomorrow." Harry said clearly.

My heart started to be filled with hate. I abhorred him.

" Well, Bye now." I said shoving him out the door.

I locked it. I looked at Logan. I heard sniffles.

"Logan," I began to say.

He looked up and into my eyes.

"Do not cry. They are not worth it. We will find someone who is meant for us." I said holding back my tears.

"Really Ella? Will we? They were our first love. They do not love each other! They do not love us either but they are forcing themselves on each other. It's chaos." Logan said.

I watched my best friend's wall crumble. I hugged him. I knew he was more hurt than me. We sat there talking about the past and our past relationship with our two first loves. It was nine in the morning. Three hours until the wedding.

Harry P.O.V

Standing in front of this mirror I wish I could hide in, I await for the last hour to pass. Will Ella come?

"Harry!" I hear voices say.

The boys stand there looking sharp as ever. Someone stumbled in behind them.

"Mate, I just came to congratulate you." Logan said.

I nodded my head. It was awkward.

"We'll see you downstairs waiting for the love of your life to be with forever." Zayn said.

The boys left. It was just me and my thoughts once again. The love of my life will not be the one I will be with forever. There was a quiet knock on the door. I opened. Ella was standing there looking beautiful in her little black dress.

"I do not know why she chose to do her colors black and red and wear a white dress, but I'm in your room to give you this." Ella said.

She handed me the paper airplane bracelet.

"You gave it to me because you loved me. Now you love someone else, so give it to her." She said.

I looked at her. How can someone I've hurt most of my life still have feelings to care about what happens to me and my wife? I pulled Ella into an embrace.

"Thank you." I whispered into her ear. "But why?"

I looked in her eyes that were filled with tears. I want to know why she chose now to give it back. I'm not officially married yet, I can still make Ella happy once more.

"Come here." I said pulling her to the bed.

I sat her on my lap. I wiped her tears.

"Because I love you..." She said planting her lips on mine.

The kiss became more passionate. My stress of the wedding began to escape my body. I quickly unzipped her black dress. She unbuttoned my shirt. I planted kisses on her neck while she unbuttoned my pants. My hands found there way to her bra. With one hand, I began to unclasp it and slide it off her body. I began to gently suck on her nipples. My fingers rubbed the opening of her pussy. She let out a soft moan. She spread her legs a little more allowing me to move her underwear to the side. I gently rubbed my tongue on her clit.

"H-Harry.." She moaned.

I sped up my motions. She was getting wet. I stuck a finger inside of her. I began to finger her fast. Her moans turned into passionate screams. I ripped off her underwear.

"You ready?" I seductively whispered in her ear.

She nodded. I slowly inserted my penis in her. I thrusted slowly.

"Faster." She said.

I did as told. I went faster. Her nails glided down my back. She continuously moaned my name.

"H-Harder." She said between breaths,

I went harder. Her toes began to curl. I leaned to her cheek and kissed her. Her fingers tugged my hair.

"H-harry, I'm releasing." She said.

"Hold it Ella." I said.

She climaxed. The sex became sloppy but still enjoyable. I got off of her and laid next to her.

"You're getting married in ten minutes." Ella said.

I got up and started putting my clothes back on. Ella put her dress on with sad eyes.

"You're still my number one." I said opening the room door.

I looked back before closing the door and noticed the mess. I smirked. I looked down the hallway to see Ella almost gone. Five minutes.

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