Chapter 1: Logan, London & Trouble

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Ella P.O.V

I sat on this dreadful flight. Seems familiar? I bet it does. I took this same time flight to Cheshire leaving London now i'm leaving Cheshire back to London. I looked at Logan who was sleeping next to me. Atleast he won't see my eyes. My blood shot eyes. I haven't slept since yesterday, yesterday meaning the day i told Logan we were going to London. Why? Because I'm scared of seeing Harry getting married. I'm scared of seeing Harry and looking in his emerald eyes searching for his love. Im scared of facing Brittany with her I told you sos. But fear isn't the real reason. Its the outcome and reaction i have.

"Ma'am." The flight attendent said interrupting my thoughts.

I looked up. She gave me a pity look.

"Fasten seat belt sign is on, we will be landing in a few moments." She said and walked away.

I buckled my seat belt and looked at the morning sun. It shined in and woke Logan up. He rubbed his eyes.

"We're getting off yet?" He yawned

"In a few." I said looking away.

I wonder how Australia was for him. Did he fight kangaroos like he wanted? We felt the plane go lower and lower, closer to the runway. I still refused to face him. The airplane stopped. I watched passengers struggle with their seat belts. Logan got up and stretched. I reached for our carry on bags. We walked out the plane to our bags.

"You know, Brittany might be there." I said.

His eyes lit up.

"Are you serious?" He asked grabbing the bags.

"So serious." I said rolling my eyes.

I waved for a taxi. We got in.

"Would she still like me?" Logan asked.

"She's marrying Harry but i bet when she sees you, she'll love to be with you instead." I said as the taxi drove to out destination.

It stopped in front of Eleanors' and my flat. Logan opened the trunk and i slid out the taxi.

"Home, Sweet, Damn it." I said as i fell to the side walk.

Logan laughed as he dragged the bags. I took my keys out my back pocket and opened the door. Logan followed inside. Nobody is home. I walked into the living room.

"Surprised!!!" Everyone shouted as the lights turned on.

Eleanor and Louis were holding a cake. Zayn, Niall and Liam were spraying silly string. I smiled.

"What was th-" Logan said but stared at the cake.

"Guys, this is Logan, my best guy friend from when i was in diapers." I said pulling him to stand next to me.

Eleanor put the cake down and hugged me. She squeezed me tight.

"Lou, i have to talk to y-" I heard a familiar voice say.

Eleanor let me go. I have to see. Eleanor released her grip. I turned to face my second fear. Our eyes met.

"Ella, get your friend off the cake, he's eating it all." Niall said.

I laughed. I moved passed Harry.

"Logan come on." I said.

"Logan?" Harry said.

"Harry!" Logan said and ran to him.

They were the same height. They did their special handshake from when we were little. I felt awkward. You could feel the tension rising in the air. Eleanor pulled me to her room.

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