Chapter 8: CinderELLA

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Harry P.O.V

I won't be in Cheshire for another week. All other flights were booked. I won't be seeing Ella for a while. It sucks that I hate her so much that I ended up loving her painfully. How did this happen to me? She's been mad at me since high school. I have done nothing wrong.

Ella P.O.V

I have been talking to Anne for hours. I can honestly see where the good side of Harry comes from. I constantly look up while she talks. Her most recent picture with him hangs above the fireplace. His smile is wide.

"Gemma should be here in an hour and your mum invited us for dinner, only the girls. The guys are going to a football game." Anne said.

"The Gemma Styles?" I say laughing.

Gemma was there for me through everything. I admire her and her style.


"Ella make sure the dining table is tidy" my mom said.

They should be over any minute.

Harry P.O.V

Brittany is finally home. I'm not sure if she knows I'm here.

"I can't wait for you to fuck me." she said.

She stops in front of me. Logan stumbles in behind her.

"What a wife." I said slowly clapping.

She rolled her eyes and pulled Logan by the arm. I stopped her. I took the keys.

"My house, get out. Get a hotel." I said angrily.

Logan ran out mouthing sorry. Brittany pleaded.

"Baby, listen, you chose Ella, what was I suppose to do?" she cried.

" Have loyalty." I said shoving her out the door.

Where's my sister when I need her? My world is crumbling.

Ella P.O.V

Gemma and I have been catching up on a lot. She makes me miss Eleanor.

" Hold on, Harry is calling." she said going to the bathroom.

His name. Ugh.

"Can we join the younger girls?" My mom joked.

" Of course." I said.

Anne and my mom sat down. Gemma walked back in and sat down. We all talked and ate icecream. My stomach felt weird. I ran to the bathroom. I never threw up so much.

" Are you pregnant cinderella?" Gemma asked in the doorway.

" I don't know!" I cried.

She sat next to me.

"Is is Harry's?" she asked smiling.

" If I am, yes. And that's scary." I said.

" Listen Cinderella, he hates you now and I know that because he says it all the time but I'm still here." she joked.

Thanks for not making me feel better G. I sighed. I got up and flushed the toilet. What if I am?

Harry P.O.V

I knew Ella was a slut. I hear she's pregnant. I know it's not mine. Impossible. We only had sex three times.

You're a slut. -.Hx

I'm going to go see her in a month. She might change. These girls are despicable. Ella was so innocent. I guess she was just tainted.

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