Epilogue: 4 years later

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It's been a long time since I have been to Harry's grave. It's been about six months. I've been bringing Darcy every chance I could to see her dad. She just sits there and tells him about her day.

"Daddy, I started school today. All the kids had their mummies and daddies bring them. Everyone looked at mummy because you weren't here. I miss you daddy. Mummy said you was a good man. I wish you were daddy." She said.

I sat next to her. I gave her flowers.

"Mummy said that you're with us everyday but where daddy? I want to see you! I want you to be here daddy!" she cried.

She put the flowers on his grave.

"I listened to some of the songs you and my uncles sang. They were nice daddy. I wish you were here to sing to me. I wouldn't put up a fight to sleep." she said.

"Come on honey, we have to go." I said trying to be strong.

"Mummy, you can cry." she said grabbing my hand.

The sunlight shined on his grave.

"Daddy says you don't have to be strong all the time and that he loves us a lot and he is watching us everyday." she stated.

"Daddy knows we love him too and he said he misses us." she said.

I broke down. I hugged Darcy like it was the last hug I could give.



Finally finished :)! I cried while writing.

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