Chapter 7: Cheshire

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Ella P.O.V

I woke up in pain. I think it's time for me to go home. I've been feeling pain since Harry and I first saw each other again. I open my phone. I call my dad.

"Daddy... I'm coming home." I said.

" Are you sure princess?" he asked.

" Yes, I've been hurt for too long." I said holding back tears.

"I can't wait to see you." he said and hung up.

I got up quietly. I started to pack my things. Three suitcases. I booked a flight that I have to catch in an hour and a half. I tip toed to the bathroom. I showered real fast. I put on my pink vans, blue skinny jeans and a pink sweater. I tied my hair in a bun.

" Ella?" Eleanor said.

"Yes?" I said as calmly as I could.

" Where are you going?" she asked.

" Home" I said holding back tears.

" But this was home." she whined.

" I'll visit you whenever I can, I'm tired of getting hurt." I said.

She embraced me. I cried onto her shirt. I will miss my best friend everyday.

" I can't tell anyone you left I'm guessing." she said wiping my eyes.

I nodded. She helped me downstairs. She helped me put my things in the taxi. I waved to her. She's trying to be strong but once the door closes, my best friend will breakdown.

Harry P.O.V

The honeymoon was canceled. I can't believe Brittany did that. She could've killed Ella. I woke up to an empty bed. Brittany must be out. I have to go see Ella, make sure she's okay. I got up and put on sweats.


"Eleanor come on open up!" I yelled.

Louis opened the door.

Eleanor was in tears. I looked around the living room. Some of the pictures of her and Ella were gone.

" What happened?" I asked sitting down.

" I c-can't tell anyone" Eleanor whined.

" Ella left. For good. I don't know what happened but she's gone." Louis said.

I bit my lip. I know it's not my fault so it has to be Brit's.

You're a dumb bitch for letting Brittany get to you. When I saved you, it was to save Brittany not you. -.Hx

There I might look bipolar but it's the truth, partially.

Good. - Ellax

What?!? No smart remarks? No I hate yous?

Say it to my face, you know where I live Styles. -Ellax

She's in Cheshire.

Ella P.O.V

I missed my house. My mom is shopping and my dad is looking for work again but my house doesn't feel empty. My room is still the way it is.

"Of course it is" I say out loud.

If Harry would of never drank and drive, my parents would of never been in a coma. I can't complain. They are alive. Maybe I should go check on Anne.


"Ella, darling! How are you?" she asked.

" I've been okay. I missed you." I said smiling.

" I missed you too honey." she said.

All of a sudden, my stomach felt weird. I began to throw up.

" It's okay honey, let it all out." She said rubbing my back.

" I am so sorry." I said embarrassed.

"Sit down." she said.

I sat down. She started making tea.

" Are you pregnant?" she asked.

My eyes widen.

" I don't think so." I said.

" We have to go check." she said smiling.

"I think it's just air sickness." I said.

She smiled and nodded as if I was lying. The only time I had sex was with Harry. I don't think three times will get me pregnant.... right?

"Here." she said passing me the tea.

How can someone so hateful come from a woman so wonderful?

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