Steve Rogers - 'Nobody needs Steve?'

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(Set after Winter Solider but before Civil War)

Turning the key in the small lock on our apartment door I shuffled inside. Sighing I dropped my bags to the floor and slumped down against the wall.

Once again I was coming home to an empty apartment. I knew that instantly without even having to call out. If Steve was home already i would be able to tell. He would have called out me the minute he heard the lock click. He would have come to greet me by the door, wrapping me in his arms placing a soft kiss onto my forehead. He would then spend all night with me, wether it was just talking or even snuggling up watching a movie. He liked to make up for the time we couldn't spend together when he went on his missions as Captain America, or at least i thought he did.

Lately he spends all his time at Stark Tower. He says he's only there to train. Train to be a better Avenger, a better hero. I don't understand his obsession with becoming better. He once told me as long as i thought of him as a hero it didn't matter what the world saw him as. Well I've never stopped thinking of him as a hero, he will always be my hero. So why does he need to train so much.

I miss him like crazy when he's away. Every minute he's gone is torture for me, not knowing when he's coming back or even if he will. That's when he's here I want to spend as much time as i can with him. Steve Rogers, the man i love more than anything in the world.

Picking up my phone i decide to ring him and find out if he's coming home today. I wait as the phone rings and rings. And rings. And rings. Finally going straight to voice mail.
"Hey Steve it's me. I was just wondering if your coming home today at all. I missed you when you were on your mission last week and I was hoping we could spend some time together before you have to leave again.....But um yeah, just give me a call back. Please. I Love You."

I wiped away tears I didn't know I had and carefully placed the phone down. I didn't know how much longer I could cope without him. When you love somebody whole heartedly it's hard when you feel like they don't want to even be around you. Taking in a deep breath I continued on with my evening; with no Steve.



The sound of my phone woke me. Looking at the clock I noticed it was 2am. Who could possibly be ringing me at 2am? The second thing I noticed Steve still wasn't back.

Dismissing the worry that has began to creep in, I picked up me phone.
"(Y/n)!" I heard Natasha shout down my phone.
"It Steve!"

In those two words my heart almost shattered. What was wrong with Steve?
"Where is he?" I demanded.

"Stark Tower. He's training himself into exhaustion, he collapsed but he's still training. None of us can do anything, we need your help"

I didn't even let her finish before I pulled one of Steves baggy jumpers over my best and shorts. I pulled on a pair of shoes that I'm pretty sure we're just two odd shoes and raced out the apartment. I didn't stop running until I reached Stark Tower. Even then my feet never slowed until I was standing in the doorway watching Steve.

He looked both mentally and physically exhausted but yet he still wasn't stopping. Punching bag after bag. Running marathons on the treadmill over and over again.
"Steve, baby" I spoke calmly as I walked over to him.

He just shook his head. "Gotta keep training"

"You've rained enough today solider. You need to rest or your body will eventually give up on you" I told him.

"Solider?!" He suddenly blurted out.
"Of course. That's all I'm needed for. Needed as Captain America." He began rambling.
"The whole world needs me to be Captain America. The whole world needs me to be strong. The world needs Captain America to save them"

I watched in horror as tears began to fall softly down his cheeks.
"But nobody, Nobody, needs Steve that's why I have to train. To be better. To be the Captain America the whole world needs"

I stared at him in shock. Before I knew my hand was moving of its own accord and my palm struck down on the side of his face.
"HOW DARE YOU!" I scream at him, my own tears falling.
"How dare you say that! 'Nobody needs Steve'. Bullshit! I need Steve! I need Steve Rogers, my boyfriend, not Captain America, super solider!"

"I've always only needed Steve" I tell him my voice dropping to no more than a hushed whisper.
"It was Steve who stumbled into the diner I worked out. Steve who after weeks of eating the same shitty sandwich, finally asked me out for drinks. It was Steve who after months of going on dates and spending time together finally kissed me the day we got caught out in the rain. It was Steve who taught me how to dance. It was Steve who I fell so completely and utterly in love with that its actually ridiculous. I don't need you to be Captain America for me to love and want you, I just need you. Steve Rogers. I'm sorry that that's not enough for you any more"

My head fell down from looking In his eyes to the floor. I watched as my tears fell, creating small little puddles upon the floor.  "I just want my Steve to come home" I cried harder.

Suddenly I felt the soothing familiar warmth of his hand upon my cheek. His fingers carefully brushed away my hair. His thumbs began wiping away the tears.
"I'm so sorry" He whispered.
"I'm so sorry for everything. With Bucky suddenly appearing as the Winter Solider, it brought back so many memories of how I wasn't strong enough to save him. How I wasn't good enough to save anyone.
Captain America is supposed to be strong and dependable, but I felt I was too weak. The more I thought about it the more I realised people only needed Captain America to be strong, no one needed plain old Steve Rogers.
But I forgot about you. And for that I am the most sorry. Your the one person that through everything has needed Steve, Needed me. I remember when we first met and you didn't even know who Captain America was. I though it was perfect, finally I could meet someone who saw me for me, not the hero I had been portrayed as. And that's just what you've done. For years now you've only ever seen me. I'm sorry I lost sight of that"

The tears we both had falling from our eyes were beginning to create mini lakes beneath us. But neither one cared. All that mattered was that we had found what the other meant to us again. (Y/n) and Steve, finally together once again.

Leaning forward I brought my lips onto his and kissed him softly.
"Steve?" I asked leaning my head down onto his.

"Hmmm" He hummed against my head as he placed soft kisses on the skin of my forehead.

"Can we go home now?"

"Yes" He smiled
"Lets go home. The tomorrow we'll spend the day cuddling on the sofa watching the old black and white movies I used to watch as a kid"

"I'd love that more than anything" I told him pulling him in close to my chest.

It was true. I loved anything that involved Steve. I need my Steve. Not Captain America, but plain old Steve Rogers. So from that moment on i vowed to alway remind him that Somebody Needed Steve.

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