Tony Stark: Secret Love Song pt.2

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To say I was shocked was an understatement. My brain could barley register anything but the feel of his lips on mine.

That was until Pepper came along as ripped me from his grasp.
"What in the hell is going on here?" She growled at the both of us.

From the corner of my eye I see Steve and Bucky slowly edge closer to me as everyone edges further away.

"Well Tony? Explanation" Pepper demanded

"Pepper. I'm so sorr..." I began before she abruptly cut in.

"I didn't ask you. So why don't you keep your mouth shut"

"No" Tony suddenly blurted out.
"She doesn't need to be quiet you do.

Listen Pepper, your not going to want to here this but I've fallen in love with her. From the moment she joined the Avengers I had my sight set on her. She was beautiful and she could kick my butt if she wanted too. She knows how to kill someone in more ways than even I, and yet, she is still so innocent. She intrigued me, so I did what I do best I snooped around her to try and found out what I could.

Only thing was, that led to us sleeping together. But it was selfish of me. I knew I was developing feelings for her I but I couldn't bear losing you either Pepper. But then, then she told me she loved me. I knew my answer then. I love her too. I'm so sorry Pepper"

"Sorry is not how you feel right now!" She shouted.

The more irritated she became the more I hyper ventilated. The amount of eyes solely focused on, no glaring at me. Me the girl who had just destroyed a seemingly happy relationship.
Thankfully Steve and Bucky noticed and began to attempt to the clear the room.

"Maybe you guys should take this else where" Steve interjected arms reaching out to guide Pepper from the scene.

"NO! Let's make a scene, let everyone one in this room know what a cheating scumbag Tony Stark is! What a home wrecker this cow is!" She shouted louder arms flapping about.

"Alright you really need to leave now. Everyone needs to leave now" Steve stated and a glance over at Bucky had him ushering people from the room.

Soon it was just Steve, Bucky, Me, Tony and a very pissed off Pepper left.

"Look Pepper...." I started again

"I don't want to hear it from you!" She growls stepping closer and closer to me.

Standing my ground I knew the only way for this to diffuse was for her anger to. So I allowed her to vent her frustrations at me.

"You knee he was involved with me when you met him. You knew I loved him and I thought he loved me too."

Her finger came out to jab at my shoulder. The boys in the room tensed up but I waved my hand at them.


With that her hand came up to attempt to strike me across the face. Catching her wrist I lightly threw it away.

"The poke I'll allow given the circumstances but that I will not. Yes what I did was wrong, but it takes two to tango. Meaning it wasn't all my fault. Now I suggest you honour the wishes of the owner of this building and leave. Return once you've calmed down and we can discuss this like adults"

"How dare you?!?!" She growled storming towards before Steve and Bucky appeared in front of her.

"Like the lady said: Leave" Bucky stated arms folding quickly slipping from party guest to Winter Solider in a matter of seconds.

"This isn't the end" She growled at Tony before storming out the room.

Bucky and Steve's followed her out, both ensuring she left and to give me and Tony our much needed privacy.

"So..." I shrug

"I'm sorry" He admitted for once a look of shame filling his eyes.
"I handled this whole situation wrong and I know that now. It was ridiculously childish of me to think I could carry on having the both of you. Stupid of me to think I wouldn't fall in love with you."

"I love you too stupid. I never wanted to but I do. I'm just glad I don't have to keep it a secret anymore. Regardless the consequences"

Walking over to him I pulled him in for hug. Wrapping my arms around him I buried my head into his shoulder.
"Why do I love you Tony Stark?"

"Same reason I love you. We're perfect for one another"

With that he leant down to kiss me for the second time that night. Only this time, I wasn't worried about anyone else seeing it.

My love for him, no longer a secret.

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