The Avengers - 'Cake By The Ocean'

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3 ducking am!

That's when Tony decided he would blast music through the entire towers PA system.

"TONY!" You growl as DNCE starts to play really loud in your ear.

You storm out your room and find Nat hair equally as ruffled, with a scowl as venomous as yours.
"I'll kill him" She growls.

"See you walking round like its a funeral" plays over the speaker.

We storm down to the kitchen where we can smell something sweet being cooked. In the doorway of the Kitchen we spot Clint, Bruce, Steve and Thor. Two of them look annoyed the other two just looked confused.

"Talk to me Baby!"

Stark just smiled as he saw our faces.
"I made cake!" He exclaimed.

Looking around the kitchen I saw he had indeed made cake. There were 6 cakes on the side. A few looked delicious but some you wouldn't touch for the life of you.

"Keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean!" Tony shouted before suddenly dancing round the kitchen waving the spoon.

Clint, Nat and Bruce just shrugged and sat down to eat the cake. Thor and Steve just looked at each other.

"It is a custom here on earth to this 'cake' at the early morning hours and by the ocean that it no where to be seen?" Thor asks Steve

"It wasn't back in the 40's" Steve smiled awkwardly.

"Jarvis?" You asked
"How long had Tony been awake for?"

"Almost 72 hours" Jarvis stated.

"We'll eat cake by the Ocean!" Tony once again shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Oh what the hell" You shrug, slinging your shoulders over Steve and Thors arms.

They were considerably taller than you do it ended up you hanging from them.

"On three everybody" You call.




"Eat Cake in the Kitchen!" We all shouted and ended up throwing cake at each other.

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