James 'Bucky' Barnes - 'Loving me is Dangerous'

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"Bucky Baby! I'm home!" I call into our small apartment.

"(Y/n)" He called out running towards me.
"You've got to out of here"

He picked me up over his shoulder and ran out of the apartment. I screamed at him to put me down and let go but he simply refused. He only ran as if the devil himself were chasing him.

"James Buchanan Barnes put me down right this instant!" I shouted in his ear as he finally began to slow down.

"Not yet. It's not safe" He told me completely unfazed by my shrieking in his ear.

"What are we running from?"

"Hydra" Was all he said and my skin instantly turned cold.

"Put me down. I can run just as fast as you" I state fear causing adrenaline to pump throughout my body.

"No. Please let me get you to where it's safe first" He begged and even though I couldn't see his face I knew it was etched with worry.

Despite my body shaking with desire to move, I stopped struggling and allowed him to carry me as long as he felt he needed. Soon his pace slowed and then after what seemed like hours of running he stopped. His breathing was heavy and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Bucky, now will you tell me what's going on?" I asked pacing my hand on his shoulder. Despite the sweat dripping from his forehead the metal of his arm was cold and it sent small shivers up my arm.

"Hydra...they found....me" He panted.


"Don't....know....but need...to get you...to safety" He stated.

"We both need to get to safety" I told him

"No! Not me this time, just you" He snapped.
"It's too dangerous for you"

"I don't care! I love you so wherever you go, I go!"

"Then stop loving me! It's to dangerous for you" He said gripping hold of my wrists and forcing me to look at him.
"It's to dangerous for you to love me, I'm just going to end up hurting you"

"Then I'll deal with it when that come round. Right now your not going with out me. Want to know why?" I say forcing him to look at me.
"Because no matter what you say I can't stop loving you. So I'm with you no matter what, right till the very end"

With that I pulled his lips up to mine. We shared a hot passionate kiss.
"Now let's go" I say holding my hand out to him.

"I love you" He murmurs before gripping my hand and with that we ran off.

Hand in hand, together as we always would be.

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