Steve Rogers - Waiting pt.6

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Was that all Steve was destined to do? Wait.

He had waited his whole life to find someone like (y/n), but as soon as he found her what happened. He crashed into the ice.
70 years later he discovered she had waited a lifetime for him.

Finding Bucky again, he waited so long for his best friend to come back to him. Waited, unable to help him with the pain of his past. Even now Bucky would occasionally drift apart from them still afraid of being the monster HYDRA had made him. Steve could all but wait for that to stop.

And now, Steve had always wanted a family but here he was banned from entering the Lab, waiting to find out wether his dream would come true or a nightmare would come to pass.

"You gotta let me in Buck" Steve begged for what felt like the 1000th time.

"Can't do that Steve. You've just got to wait" Bucky stated still standing guard against the door.

"I've waited enough!" Steve shouted throwing his hands in the air.
"The waiting is killing me Buck! I need to know what's going on! Is (y/n) dead? What about our little girl? Or both of them?
The waiting and worrying is driving me crazy!"

"I know it is Steve. That's my best friend on that table. You and (y/n) are the only things keeping me from giving in to the darkness in my head.
If she was to die in there, what that would do to you...I don't even want to think about it." He admitted reaching out to squeeze Steve's shoulder.

Steve's just collapses into Bucky's touch. Something about having him around made everything better. It was like being back in the 40's when his mother died. Bucky was always there and he was glad he was here now.
"I'm scared Buck. What if (y/n) does die? How am I supposed to look after our little girl knowing she was partly responsible for killing her mother? I've read about how some fathers aren't able to move past it and they abandon their children. What if I become one of them? Or worse. What if they both die? Could I live with myself knowing I wasn't there for them when they needed me most?"

"Stephen Rogers, you could never be like that. Your hearts way to big to abandon your child regardless what happens. You'll probably do the opposite knowing you, get crazy over protective and never let her out your sight until you finally kick the bucket.
But our girl in there is a fighter. (Y/n) was almost as bad as you for being down alleys picking fights. And your daughter, well she's the daughter of two of the most stubborn people I've ever known, so of course she's going to pull through. Just cling onto that and the waiting gets easier. Not by much but it does" He admits a small smile donning his face.

Steve just pulled his best friend into a hug.
"Thanks Buck, for everything"

"I'm just returning the favour" Bucky mumbled hugging him back.
Steve had saved him so many times Bucky could hardly remember them all. He saved him from HYDRA and that was something he would never be able to repay but he would start by being here for him now. Just like the old him would have, the old James Barnes from back in the 40's, the man he was finally becoming again thanks to Steve.

Just as the friends pulled out of the hug the doors to the lab burst out and Banner appeared.
"You might want to see this cap"

Steve didn't even bother wasting time to ask what happened. He would know soon enough. With Bucky hot on his heels, the pair ran through to where they had left (y/n).

Steve's heart stopped in his chest at what he saw. Tears pooled in his eyes, as his breath left him.
Slowly he came to a halt at the edge of the table (y/n)'s body lay on.

"She's beautiful" He whispered looking into the sea blue eyes of his little girl.

"She's perfect" (Y/n) spoke cradling the small bundle in her arms.

"Thank you" Steve spoke looking at a very exhausted Wanda and Vision.
"Thank you both. You did it"

Wanda just smiled as she collapsed into Visions arms.
"Don't mention it. Congratulations guys"

Vision gently wrapped his arms around the red headed girl, lifting her up to against his chest.
"Congratulations Captain. If you'll excuse us, it took quite a lot out of Wanda and she'll need to get some rest"

With that the pair slowly floated from the room leaving Steve and his family behind.

"She's adorable Dollface" Bucky spoke up moving round to stare at his niece.
"Well done you"

"Thanks Buck" (Y/n) smiled looking round at her family.

Her best friend, her soul mate and now her baby girl. Her family couldn't be more perfect if it tried.
However she was tired and covered in blood and sweat so she supposed it could be a little better. Yet the way Steve looked at their little girl instantly made it all worth it.

"Wanna hold her?" She asked her husband who could all but nod excitedly.

Reaching out his arms he gently stole away his now sleeping daughter as he rocked her slowly in his arms.

Nothing could describe what Steve was feeling right now. In his arms was a little person, a person he helped to create. A little person with his blood in their veins. His little girl.

His heart swelled with incomprehensible pride, unbridled joy and an excess of love. He felt protective over her already. She was his little person. The little bundle of life he made.

Leaning down he planted a soft kiss on her forehead.
"I love you little one. I'm your daddy and I'll always protect you"

"We did good huh?" He turned to ask (y/n) eyes beaming.

"Yeah we did" She smiled back.

"What's her name?" They suddenly heard Tony ask from the doorway.

"Sarah. After Steve's Mum. Hope that's okay?"

Steve's eyes sparkled as he heard (y/n) say that. His mother would have loved his little person; his little Sarah. He only wished she could meet her. But maybe this way she could still be a part of her life. He couldn't help but smile at that thought.
"It's perfect. She's perfect. Our little Sarah"

With the baby in Steve's arms began to wiggle, a small smile spread across her face like she could tell her name was being called.

"She's adorable, as far as babies go" Tony mumbled moving closer to take a peak. Yet even he couldn't help but smile.

"First family photo though guys!" He suddenly exclaimed motioning for Steve to squeeze in next to (y/n).

Pulling out his phone he quickly snapped a picture of the happy couple and the family they had just created.

While Bucky demanded he have a look so chase after Tony, Steve turned to (y/n).

"I'm so glad your okay" He whispered leaning forward to kiss her lips.

"Of course I would be. I had you and Sarah to look after. Lords knows you can't survive without me" She smiled weakly pressing her forehead against his.

"I would have managed. But still I'm glad your here. And thank you by the way. My mother would have loved what you did"

"Your mother was the greatest. Besides maybe one day I'll have a baby named after me too" She laughed and to Steve it was music to his ears.

(Y/n) was alive and so was Sarah. The wait was worth it in the end. His life was finally perfect.

Well if he had to choose anything to improve it would be a little baby boy to keep Sarah company. But that could wait.
And for once Steve didn't mind the thought of waiting.

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